Chapter Ten-1

2008 Words

Chapter Ten ‘So much emotion!’ Gussie said, later that same morning, for Clarissa Selwyn’s entertainment. ‘How exhausting I should find it.’ Clarissa nodded wisely. ‘The thing is that they’re paid to have emotions.’ ‘Actresses? Why, yes, I suppose they are. But she might save them for the stage, and spare my patience.’ ‘Oh, but she was on stage.’ Clarissa’s smile turned sly. ‘By your account, she turned in a rousing performance.’ One might be forgiven for assuming that the two young ladies reposed themselves somewhere comfortable for this conversation— respectable, even. Civilised. Like Lady Maundevyle’s drawing-room, or a charming parlour. In fact, upon arrival at the Selwyns’ townhouse, Gussie had asked for Clarissa and then been obliged to wait for some time. When the maid had rea

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