Chapter Fourteen-1

2060 Words

Chapter Fourteen Lady Maundevyle’s townhouse was handsomer than that occupied by the Werths, this did not admit of a doubt. Considerably larger, and in excellent repair, it reeked of wealth and plenty almost as much as Starminster did. None of which Theo noticed, or cared for, as he marched up to the front door, side-by-side with Gussie, and hammered loudly upon it. When nobody leapt at once to answer — in fact, some two or three minutes passed without any discernible response — Theo grasped the door-knob, turned it, and shouldered his way into the house. ‘Yes, we are not to be deterred by poor service,’ Gussie agreed. The Werths spilled into the townhouse all in a gaggle: Gussie and Great-Aunt Honoria right behind Theo, Ivo Farthing close by, and Miss Frostell bringing up the rear. ‘

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