Ch 25

2153 Words

Jack Jack’s eyes slid right over Luci, that tee-shirt she wore not only fell to her mid-thigh, but was one of his, not that she would know that; he liked it on her, smiled right at Luci as she turned to go up the stairs. He saw those beautiful eyes of hers turn right to him before following her parents up the stairs. Watched as a slight blush tinged her cheeks as she realized, he was eyeing her off, which he had done and gotten away with. Because Orien had been preoccupied with Rafe serving him one over his sons’ behaviour. He’d taken the opportunity to smile at the girl; wanted her to know he wanted her, and it looked like she understood. Jack smirked at her, couldn’t hold it back when he saw that blush; wanted to tell her to sneak out tonight. All he could think about right that mi

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