CH 8

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Jack POV Watching Luci look around their office was interesting to him. Jack knew she came from a much smaller pack, and he could see she was curious about the two desks in this room. Appeared to be curious about a lot of things, as was he, right this very minute. She didn’t scent of wolf to him, 'Wolf-less' he’d heard, from her father back inside of Nightfall once. Though the last time he’d been out to her pack, she’d been off on some school camp, and the time before that, off with her mother looking at a university. It was very obvious to Jack that every time he and Rafe had gone down to the Nightfall pack, over the past year of knowing them, that Alpha Orien had this young lady out of the pack altogether, she was never there to be seen; on purpose he was now willing to bet. He knew the man had a daughter. That was no secret Orien had told him he had two children; a daughter and a son, Lucian and Thatcher, but Jack had always been curious about her, seeing as he’d never met her. Now looking at her, he knew Orien kept her away from visiting pack Alpha’s and their units. She was absolutely stunning, took after her mother in every way, with the exception of those eyes. Luci had amazingly brilliant green eyes, whereas her mother had soft hazel blue. His own eyes moved to Orien’s when that man cleared his throat. He had just been caught staring at his daughter, it seemed. Orien had dark blue eyes, that was a curiosity; now he wondered just where she got those pretty brilliant green eyes from. And they were pretty. There wasn’t a skerrick of make-up on the girl, but still she had thick long dark lashes that made the bright green of her eyes stand out. She didn’t need any make-up either, had perfect porcelain skin; it was soft and creamy white, with not a single blemish to it, she was a natural beauty. “My daughter is off limits, Beta,” Orien told him curtly. “I understand.” Jack nodded, “I would want to protect my child too.” “Then stop looking at her. She is the future Alpha to my Pack.” Jack actually saw Luci roll her eyes and realised with that one tell, that she either didn’t believe that or she didn’t want to be. And that just made him even more curious about the girl standing in his office. “Wolf-less as well.” Orien told him, now realising Jack's attention was back on her. “Dear, you don’t need to say that.” Luna Addison commented, sounded almost as if she was chastising her own Mate. “I do…I’m just making sure they understand, she is not for them.” “Yes, tell everybody, father. Yell it for the whole wolfen world to hear. I’m wolf-less, useless to you, useless to all.” Luci burst out angrily from where she stood, her eyes now on her father. There was so much anger in the girl all of a sudden, and it had come out of nowhere, she had been smiling right at him just a moment ago. He’d gotten the impression she liked him looking at her, that she liked looking at him for that matter. Had been happily smiling at him when she’d realised he was checking her out. “Enough from you, girl.” Orien snapped right at her. “Yes, father.” She dripped with sarcasm, clearly this was a sore point between the two of them, though why? He didn’t understand, they had near on three dozen wolf-less here in the pack, there was nothing wrong with it. Were still good, strong fighters; just needed a bit of body armour was all. “Don’t you already have a boyfriend?” her father snapped right at her. Orien didn’t like her tone at all. Though no Alpha liked sarcastic remarks. He’d copped a clip up the back of the head for it when young. “Yes, and I’m aware that I am only here to be kept away from him.” She was glaring hard at her father now. Challenging him, Jack thought, she had some balls on her, that was for sure. “Alright you two, that’s more than enough.” It was Luna Addison, her voice was soft and loving, it was likely she had to deal with this all the time back home. It was normal inhouse family fighting. “You know the rules, Luci,” Orien stated flatly, trying to keep annoyance out of his voice but not quite pulling it off. “Oh, yes. Father, I do.” She muttered and Jack watched as she wiped her brow, and realised she was sweating a little. He really looked at her now, she seemed to be a bit on the flushed side as well, “I’m female and therefore, I must be pure and untouched for my Mate. Who’s allowed to be a man-w***e, till he meets me.” Jack snorted, fully amused now, couldn’t keep it in. He leaned right back in his chair, and smiled. He liked the stubborn steak he was seeing in this wolf-less 18-year-old girl before him. Liked the fire that burned in her to stand up to her own father, an Alpha Wolf, when she had no wolf herself. “Oh, and just so you two know.” She looked right at Rafe and then directly at Jack himself. “I’m not actually the next in line for the pack. No, I’m wolf-less, so that will go to Thatcher.” She snapped at them as much as she did her father, though he was willing to bet she was just making a point to her father, that she knew exactly where she stood. Then he watched that girl stalk right out of his office without seemingly a single care for the disrespect it showed, not only to her own father, but to either he or Rafe for that matter. “That’s not true.” It was Luna Addison, “She is in line to take over.” Orien, however, said nothing at all on the subject and got glared at by his own Mate for not confirming her statement. Jack watched as that woman put her tea cup down and then just stood up herself, still glaring at her Mate. Ah, that’s where the stubborn streak came from. “I’ll go after her shall I?” she shot at her Mate. “She maybe wolf-less at this time,” she turned to both him and Rafe. “But my daughter is special and beautiful, Pure-blooded. Deserves to be the Heir to the Pack.” And then she too, stalked from the room herself. “My apologies, homes a little on the touchy side right now.” “I can see that…You don’t think Luci is the right choice, do you?” Jack asked out right. “I don’t. But not because she is wolf-less. She is an unruly girl and extremely impulsive, hard to handle, very defiant, they are not good qualities in a leader.” “She is only young,” Rafe commented casually. He was right, they had not been at all ready to take over at 18. Who was? None that he knew of. They hadn’t taken over till they were 26. “She has been this way her whole life, her mother indulges her every whim, never admonishes the girl. Just smiles at her and tells me she is special, to just let her be who she is.” “Spoiled?” Jack asked. “Yes, by her mother, not by me.” “So, Thatcher?” Rafe asked now. “Luci is correct, the boy will inherit the pack, unless she can pull herself together and learn respect.” Jack laughed softly, “I don’t see that happening, she seems to enjoy defying you, I think.” “Agreed, also knows I can’t really punish her. No wolf, no punishment, so she gets away with everything.” He shook his head, clearly didn’t like this. “I see your dilemma.” Rafe nodded. “Must be time-consuming though. Keeping your male wolves at bay. She is beautiful like her mother.” “You have no idea of the threats I have to make to keep my packs male wolves off that girl.” “Has a boyfriend though?” Jack inquired. That was interesting to him, considering the man’s seeming determination to keep wolves off of her, and her pure for her Mate. Orien waved his hand dismissively. “An 18-year-old she went to school with, all her life. I doubt he’ll be her Mate, though I am certain he wants to be. But from what I hear, and don’t want to hear, I’m sure he’s not.” Both he and Rafe laughed now, they understood that, what he was saying or not saying was she was sleeping with the boy, and he didn’t rock her world, so to speak. An amusing thought and Jack wondered if she was sleeping with the boy just to tick her father off. It was likely, Alpha-blooded wolves were defiant, whether male or female. The thought had already crossed his mind. The moment that Luci had stepped out of the car, he’d thought about it. He couldn’t help himself, he had an itch that needed scratching, and she was beautiful. Though with Orien trailing the girl everywhere, it was unlikely he’d be able to get her alone to ask her if she was up for it. Got the feeling she’d say yes, just to tick her old man off. Amused him quite a bit, though to him, she’d looked a little under the weather as she’d left this office. Had been hot and sweaty, wolves didn’t get sick, but then she was wolf-less. So, it was likely she could actually get sick. He hoped not, didn’t want that, nor did he like the idea of her coming here to the pack and falling ill. It wouldn’t be a good thing. Not if her family thought someone had done this to her. If she got really sick and ended up in the pack hospital, things could well get ugly between them and Orien. They bid Orien goodnight, and he looked at Rafe, who just smiled right at him, “Stop getting your hopes up. Only just turned 18.” “You can’t tell me, you didn’t think about it already?” “I have thought about it.” Rafe nodded to him. “Not likely to happen.” “Ah it could be we just need to get her alone.” Jack grinned at him. “Wants to tick her old man off.” Rafe laughed at him now. “Yes, and I imagine it will, greatly so. Stop thinking about it, the girl is off limits, you heard him.” “I did.” Jack sighed. “But…I want what I want, and I know you want…” “That doesn’t mean that she will want it.” “You never know, till you ask.” Jack sighed, but he also knew they were not going to get the chance to ask either. That father of hers was keeping her on a short leash, though Jack did doubt he’d break their alliance over it, if they did get her alone. Doubted very much that Orien was the girl's actual father even. Likely why the mother doted on the girl, was a child from a previous bond perhaps. Not that he had anything to suggest that. She was born inside that pack. From all accounts, Orien was her father. Her eyes though, they were so very different, didn’t seem to fit. But that could just be some inherited gene passed down from one of them. He had a sister with brown eyes, while his mother and father had green eyes, got that brown from his father’s mother. Though just looking at Luci, he was certain it was passed down from her mother’s lineage, seeing as she was the spitting image of her mother, well her skin was fairer, whereas her mother held a nice tan as most wolves did. Luci’s skin was creamy and soft looking, matched her lovely eyes, smiled to himself, and got hit by his own Alpha, “Stop it.” “Oh, come on, I can’t help it, got me an itch that needs scratching, and if I’ve got one, so do you.” “Not with that girl. Let it go, Jack.” “Can’t you see…” “Yes, I can see it, Jack. Let it go, no wolf-less could take the both of us, and you know that. Come on, let's go for a run, let our wolves out and get your restlessness out on a hunt of something big and fast.” “I’d rather be f*****g, Rafe.” Rafe looked right at him. “So would I my friend, so would I.” They both chuckled and headed out of their office to let their wolves out for a few hours of hunting. It wasn’t really going to stop that itch he had, but it would at least distract him for a few hours, and maybe tire him out enough to get some sleep and not think about the girl. Doubted it, he would likely just end up with dreams of doing the girl in all the ways he liked.
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