Time to go

1411 Words
Elizabeth’s pov Walking back to the house, my mind was still shook and fear kept crawling down my spine, even with my mate right next to me, I couldn’t help the fear that was coursing through my body. I was afraid, not for me but for the little girl sleeping in my mates arms, my heart couldn’t stop pounding knowing the amount of the danger she was in. She passed out not a second after she came back to her senses. She looked to be in a deep peaceful sleep, a small smile graced my lips as love swelled in my heart, I loved her, I loved this child and I would protect her with my life. When the coven shunned her I knew I could never do such a thing, I had watched her being born, watched her grow, and watched her smile, laugh and cry. I loved her like my own and I wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Scot turned and gave me a gentle smile, having read my thoughts I assume. He knew how much she meant to be, after losing my child unborn child in a rogue attack seven years ago, Aurora became my lifeline. I still remember it like it was yesterday when three years old Aurora crawled into my bed with a tub of ice cream. I was grief stricken and hadn’t gone to the queens house in two weeks, I was given time off work after losing my child and finding out I couldn’t have children. There was so much sadness and darkness in my life that I couldn’t bear working in the house let alone take care of Aurora, Maria and I were each given a twin to care for when their mother was busy being queen which was almost all the time. I resented the thought of taking care of her knowing I could never do the same to my own, I had to be her mother until her real mother came and took her from me and that alone was enough to drive me insane, I would black out and have suicidal thoughts when my mate wasn’t around.     Until one afternoon when I was curled up in bed with the covers over my head, I heard the door creak open and small footsteps nearing the bed. I knew it wasn’t my mate, I would have felt him, “Lizzy, why are you sad” came her small innocent voice, hearing it made my heart break into a thousand pieces, I wanted to yell at her to leave but when I opened my mouth, only a sob came out. “I brought ice cream” she said “you always give me ice cream when I’m sad and mommy said you were sad, so.. so I brought you ice cream to cheer you up” she continued while standing near the bed. A chuckle slipped out passed my lips. “What flavor is it” I asked her still covering my head. “Chocolate, your favorite” she said sweetly. Wiping my tears I pulled the covers over my head and motioned for her to get on the bed, with a little help from me. We ate the ice cream while she went on and on about everything I had missed the couple of weeks that I didn’t see her. She fell asleep in my arms and I watched her sleep, my heart broke into a million pieces, how could I have ever thought of hating this precious little girl, she was probably the only thing that could keep me sane. I hummed her favorite tune while gently stroking her hair; she had beautiful raven curls just like her father. When I heard a ruckus outside I knew it was her parents looking for her, he had been sleeping for a few hours. I linked my mate and let him know she was with me, a few moments later her mother appeared in my bedroom with a distressed look on her face, worried sick about her daughter and of course the fact that she was alone with a grieving witch, but once she saw that her daughter was alright she sighed in relief. “Stubborn child” the queen muttered under her breath as she walked closer to the bed. A wave of sadness washed over me as I knew she was going to take Aurora away. She picked up the sleeping toddler and I saw her snuggled into her mother’s chest. Jealousy rippled through my heart but I just hung my head low, my mate who I had no idea how he had gotten here wrapped his arms around and I silently cried into his chest. “She misses you, you know, can’t stop raving about you” the queen said before she disappeared into thin air. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the house came into view and Mr. Williams was standing on the porch talking on his phone. He ran to us the second he saw us, Aurora and I were soaked and she was passed out in Scot’s arms, we must have been a sight as curious whispers could be heard all around. He grabbed her out of Scot’s arms when he got to us, “what happened to her? Is she alright? He asked worry evident in his voice. “We were attacked at the river” I answered “and she is fine just passed out from exhaustion” I continued. “Who the hell attacked you Elizabeth” he questioned almost yelling at me, his eyes still fixed on his daughter. “I don’t know” I whispered with my head hung low “I didn’t see anyone, they must have been hiding”. I proceeded to tell him everything that happen not leaving a single detail out once we were inside the house away from curious ears. “She isn’t safe here anymore, you need to get her out of here as soon as possible” Scot said getting up from where he sat beside me and walked towards Aurora’s sleeping form on the couch. He stroked her wet locks and he mumbled an incarnation, “I put a protection spell against any magical attacks on her” he said getting up and walking back to me. “I hate leaving you but I must go back to work” he said kissing my forehead and leaving. Aurora stirred in her sleep fluttering her eyes open, “dad?” she asked her wondering around the room probably confused as to how she got her, “hey sweetie how are you feeling” he asked her helping her into a sitting position, “ my head hurts a little” she said yawning. I got up from where I was sitting and knelt in front of her, “Rora, what do you remember” I asked her trying to understand what she saw in the water that had hypnotized her, not that I thought she would remember anything, a powerful witch had to have attacked her, meaning they must have wiped her memory. “I was walking in the river and when I got close to the fall you told me to get out and then I… I… I don’t remember” she said with a confused expression. I took her hand gently stroked it, “it’s alright dear, don’t strain yourself” I said with a gently smile. I got up, went to the kitchen to get her a glass of water, I handed it to her and she drank half of it and gave it back. I led her to her room to dry her up and dry her clothes, once we were done fixing her up we back down stairs only to find her father waiting by the kitchen with his car keys in his hands, “ready to go kiddo” he asked her with a sad smile, she only nodded and turn to me giving me a hug. I hugged her back tightly, “be good okay, and don’t forget me” I croaked out holding back my tears, “I love you” she said into the hug and squeezing me a little more, “I love you too Aurora” I responded breaking from the hug. “Time to go sweetheart, it’s going to be a long drive” her dad said going into the garage, we follow behind him and I opened the door for her as her dad got into the driver seat, I kissed her cheek and closed the door. They pulled out of the driveway and drove away and I waved her goodbye, I wasn’t going to be the same without her but at least she would be safe and happy.
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