First day of training

2318 Words

First day of training Aurora’s pov I stayed awake all night, my body and mind just wouldn’t shut down, not that I wanted to but I knew I needed to rest if I was going to start my training in a few hours. Everyone had gone to bed, you could tell from the way it was so quiet, you could easily hear the wind whistling through the empty hall ways. The room was so dark I couldn’t make out anything in here, my candle had burned out and I was in no mood to roam the empty cave in search of a candle, the dark would have to do. It wasn’t so bad and I wasn’t actually scared, I knew Elizabeth and Uncle Scot were in the room across from me, they were literally just a whisper away. I tossed and turned, trying to get my body and mind to finally summon up some sleep but I was in for a rude awakening.

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