1379 Words

  The tension in the room was rising. Not just from Clark, Aidens father, but also Marie and Aiden himself. They were all watching my parents, straightening their backs and readying themselves.   ”What did you say?” My dad asked and stood straight. Clark was bigger, broader shoulders and form but my dad was an asshole with a big ego so he wouldn't back down.   ”I said-” Clark said and stepped around the table, got up closer to my father and stared him dead in the eye.   ”-It’s time for you to leave. Gabriella is now a part of our family and our pack. She is this packs Luna and nobody, reagldeless of whether or not they are blood, will treat her with disrespect. Therefor, I'm asking you kindly, to leave.”   My mother slowly stood from her seat and took a stance next to my dad.   ”I t

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