1969 Words

“Listen, buddy,” he said the moment Honey’s attention was taken by a talkative guest. “This fella Moskowski is really hot. The son of a b***h won’t leave me alone.” “Well, why don’t you just tell him no, Hoss?” “I would, but he ain’t asked me yet, and if I make the wrong move before then and piss him off, it could mean trouble for you and Malany, and I don’t want to do that. Especially now.” Beckman looked over at Malany, who had now transformed into a flushed, talking creature basking joyfully in her microfame. “You see, boy,” Hoss said in a whisper, “I’m afraid Malany’s done forgot all about California and all about you and me.” Hoss stopped abruptly as Honey quickly broke off her conversation and returned. “Malany has made quite a hit, and it seems that Darling is very enthused,” H

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