2215 Words

“Isn’t it wonderful, Malany? Most people have to remain and deal with their mistakes, but you and I, we can experiment, we can play. No compromises for us, no bargaining, no apologies. No part of us left behind or given away. I’m beginning to see why the nomadic life is so appealing. Like my gifted teacher in American Lit. 302 who, from nine until three, would think nothing of inciting a riot, assaulting social values and attacking ancient mores all with eyes aflame and passionate. But let three o’clock come and he would straighten his tie and jacket, drive home to wifey and the kiddies and go shopping on Thursdays for supermarket bargains. Ah, Malany. It’s truly California for us, where people, even third-generation natives, still keep the pioneer spirit alive by referring to continental

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