
Reclaiming Her Mates

another world

This is book 2, to the story 'His Miracle Luna'

It follows the story after their baby is kidnapped, hidden away from the Royal family.

Not only with their daughter missing, Everly is still trying to regain her memories that she lost durring the rouge attack. She knows she has to find her baby but can't do much in ways of helping with no knowledge of the people around her.

Can she accept what they all are, ans who she is? Will she reclaim her life before she lost her memories of the people around her? Or can she help them with who she now is?

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Everly POV I ran. I don't remember where I was going, I just knew I had to get away. He—no, they lied to me. About everything. They were monsters. How stupid could I have been? I slept with him before I let my instincts tell me otherwise. I tripped over the roots of a tree falling hard on the ground. I groaned as I sat up. I hissed grabbing my wrist and clutching it to my chest as pain radiated up my arm. I could still hear them running after me so I didn't see the root until after I had caught my foot in it. I looked up at the huge tree, I felt like I've been here before. I didn't know how I knew this place but it suddenly felt familiar. ***** "There's rouges here!" I rushed out, I didn't want to scare him but I needed him to hide. His little eyes widened and he was holding his wrist. I took my sweatshirt off and as quickly as I could, I made him a sling with my sweater. "What's your name?" He wiped his face with the back of his free hand and sniffled "Jorge" his little Spanish accent came out soft and it made me smile at him. "I'm Everly. Now..." I told him my name, then looked behind him, then looked up "if I can get you into this tree can you be quiet for me?" He nodded, instantly becoming brave, I knew he assumed I could handle the big bad rouges on my own, but even I knew I couldn't handle even one. As I helped him onto the tree branch above me I placed my finger to my mouth telling him to stay quiet and he nodded. A few seconds later I heard a growl, then another behind me. My back stung as I swiftly turned around, there were four of them this time. My heartbeat was caught in my throat and I swear I felt like I couldn't breath. You'd think, they wouldn't mess with me considering I smell like a rogue as well, but I'm also human so that's why they are probably going after me. I'm easy prey. One of them jumped at me and I ducked making him jump over me but another one collided with my side knocking me to the ground. I groaned because I fell onto a sharp rock that stuck out of the ground a bit, when I sat up I saw that they were circling me. ***** I gasped and shook my head to clear my thoughts. I got to my feet quickly looking back up at the tree. "Jorge.." I muttered, remembering the first time that we met. I spun around to look for the rock that was buried in the muddy dirt, only I came face to face with glowing red eyes. My breathing caught in my throat, that dark fur nearly blended in with the darkness surrounding us. But those eyes...they were majestic–yet terrifying. The creatures in that memory had eyes like that, I know my voice fell into the depths of my ass as I lifted my hand to touch hom. To see if this creature was actually real or just my imagination. My hand shook, more fear gripping at me like a vice as I reached out further. "Rouge?" I squeaked out. The name was vile on my tongue, and didn't feel right saying. It growled at me, my feet nearly making me trip as I slowly backed away from. I stopped when it's growl gor louder, it was almost predatory. As it came closer the wind shifted. I took in a deep breath in of the sweetest small of coconuts, only it wasn't coming from him it came from behind me. The wolf walked closer, and if I was completely honest with myself, the coconuts and ocean smell together made my mouth water. I could taste both of them on my taste buds. Wait....them As the wind picked up once again, I got hit with another scent—hibiscus flower. That's a tropical flower. Why am I smelling these scents? They weren't anywhere near here, northern California doesn't have these types of scents unless you're near the ocean. We weren't last I checked.. I felt a cold wet–I don't know on my hand that I had secured close against my leg. It hurt but I didn't want to show weakness. I blinked a few times and looked at my hand. He nuzzled it like a cat. Then, a sharp pain hit me at the sudden movement of my hand, and I swear I heard him whimper. Oh great now they are males? Now I know I'm slowly loosing my mind. I reached my hand back so I could feel what was behind me. I felt smooth hair? That's impossible, I turned my head and found a big black bear sitting directly behind me. Now I'm dead meat! That's fine with me though, I've lost my f*****g mind and think that these animals smell tropical. Eat me now sir bear....please? I turned and backed away from both of them. I didn't get far though, maybe a couple steps when I bumped into something else. I heard the growl before I turned. Solid white. It was as white as the snow back home at the palace. "Everly?" I'm hearing his voice again. I know Michael said it was his voice I kept hearing, only this one was softer. They said my name again and thats when I realized it was female. I was alone now. I was just in the Forest with two wolves and a bear, how did I get here? "Calm down, my name is, Broo—" I growled in frustration. I was getting tired of meeting people, I am so stressed out. My daughter was gone, taken from me. What else do I have to endure? It's been weeks now with no leads and I was failing her by not finding her sooner. "I just want things to go back to normal. Before I woke up with no memories." I yelled, my blood pressure rising more. I was surrounded by strangers. How was I able to get over the fact that four people who seemed to care for me, had tried to kill me. "Calm down, princess..." A man's voice filled the quiet room. I lifted my gaze to them. The smiles on their faces was like a breath of fresh air. "She's calming down, her heart rate is slowing." The woman with sandy brown hair said happily. Her warm brown eyes reminded me of the way Milo or Aaron would look at me, with joy and love. "We seem to have someone here that belongs to you." The both of them parted and sitting up on the floor was a dark haired little girl with the brightest blue eyes. Warmth spread over my whole body when she looked at me. "Diana?" "Mama" she clapped with a giggle.

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