Road trip

1647 Words

Denny’s P.O.V Riley and I had been driving for about five hours, it was now coming up to 6pm…windows open, music blaring and Riley singing at the top of her lungs. She was a terrible singer but I left her too it cause it was pretty cute watching her. We had no clue where we were going, no destination in mind and only stopped to grab food. The journey had been spent laughing, flirting and messing around. If I am being honest with you, can’t remember the last time I had this much fun with a girl. Actually that’s a lie, the last girl I had fun like this with was my ex…the love of my life…the one that ended up breaking my heart and destroyed the person I once was…the good heart willing to love that I used to have…hence the way I act with females now but let’s not get into that s**t right now.

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