Movie Night

1307 Words
The next day I woke up excited at the prospect of seeing Ben at the movie theater.  I decided that going alone would seem too desperate, so I called Laurel and invited her to come along.  She was more than happy to join me because her mother had been nagging her about filling out college applications.  I had already applied and been accepted to my first choice.  It wasn’t a prestigious college, but it was small and rural, and that’s what I was looking for.  I wasn’t ready to be on my own in the big city, surrounded by thousands of people.    Laurel couldn’t borrow her parents’ car, so I had to find a way to get Laurel and me to the movies.  I decided that begging my mother for her car was our best option, even though my mother’s car was far from being one that a seventeen-year-old girl would want to be seen in.  It was a teal four-door Pontiac Sunbird, nothing like Libby’s fire red Mustang.   While driving to the theater, Laurel and I decided that neither of us was in the mood for a romantic comedy or a sorrow-filled war movie, so we decided to see the new horror flick.    The theater was practically empty because it was 1:00 on a Monday afternoon, but we didn’t see Ben anywhere.  I felt a wave of disappointment wash over me. I was looking forward to having a small moment to talk to him. Now, I know I may sound a little obsessed and “stalkerish,” but you have to remember I have liked Ben for as long as I can remember, and I have never been on a date with a guy.  Just being near a guy and talking to one is a big deal in my little world of romance.  “Maybe they sent Ben home since it’s so slow,” Laurel said, shrugging. “Yeah, you’re probably right.” Feeling deflated, we got in line behind a family of five. We began talking about the previews we had seen for the movie and somehow ended up on the subject of Adam Levine.  We were completely absorbed in our conversation about Adam Levine’s hotness when my eyes were shrouded in darkness.  I froze for a second before laying my fingers on top of the warm, strong hands covering my eyes. “Guess who?” said a voice behind me. “And no, it’s not Adam Levine.” A male voice I would recognize anywhere said. Laurel started giggling, and I couldn’t help but laugh myself.  “Oh, I would know those delicate feminine hands from anywhere. Is it Justin Bieber?” I said sarcastically. “Oh, come on! Play nice! That was a low blow.” the voice said, laughing.  As the hands lifted from my eyes, I spun around. There was Ben, wearing black pants, a long-sleeve white collared shirt, and a black-tie.  It was the same outfit that the rest of the staff was wearing, but he looked terrific in it. “I thought I told you I could get you in for free today.  Remember? I owe you one,” he said.  “We looked for you, but we couldn’t find you,” I said as Ben gently took my arm and guided us out of line.  He looked at the cashier that was helping the family of five and gave her a quick nod.  She smiled back, obviously equally enamored with him as most girls were, and led us over to the refreshment area.  “Do you guys want anything to eat or drink?”  “I’ll share a small popcorn with Alex, and could I also have a small Coke?” Ben stepped behind the counter and began filling Laurel’s order. “Anything for you, Alex?”  He looked directly at me with those amazing green eyes that I could lose myself in for hours.  I didn’t realize that I had gotten caught up in them until I heard him trying to get my attention. “Hey Alex! Do you want anything?”   “A small Coke, please,” I managed to spit out. Ben smiled and began filling another small cup with Coke. He came around the counter and handed us our drinks and popcorn. “What are we seeing?” he asked. “Aren’t you working?”  I said, confused.  “Sure, I’m working, but it doesn’t look like they’ll need my help anytime soon,” Ben said as he swung his arm in the air gesturing around the empty movie theater. “Plus, my boss isn’t here. He left the pee ons in charge today.”   Getting nervous, I relied on my humor to get me through the conversation. “Well, I don’t know if you can handle the movie we’re seeing, it’s rated R for mature audiences only, and it may give you nightmares,” I said.  “Then I should definitely join the both of you because you’ll need someone’s arm to hold onto during the scary parts,” Ben said, laughing.  He led us to the theater where our movie was showing.  Laurel chose an aisle in the middle, four rows back from the screen. I followed her into the row, and Ben was close behind. Except for the three of us, the entire theater was empty.  The red leather seats were cold from the air-conditioning that had been running all morning, and the whole theater had a chill.  As the previews began, I suddenly became highly aware of Ben’s body next to me. I felt the heat radiating from his arm, which was lying beside mine on the armrest.  My hand felt magnetically pulled toward his.  It took all of my will power to stop myself from reaching out and touching him.  I could hear his breathing and smell his cologne, a mix of sandalwood and spice. He had a very distinct smell that I would recognize anywhere.  My skin felt like it was on fire.  I didn’t know how much more I could take.  Just as the movie started, Ben leaned over and put his lips next to my right ear. The nearness of his lips to my face caused me to gasp slightly.  His warm breath tickled my ear lobe.   “This movie is pretty good; it has a twist ending. I think you and Laurel will enjoy it.”  During the entire movie, I was freaking out on the inside.  Just the simple act of Ben whispering in my ear had created feelings inside me that I’d never felt before.  It felt like I’d just made it to third base with a guy, but in reality, he just whispered to me. I was tingling everywhere.  Throughout the movie, Ben and I continued whispering back and forth about the coming weekend and the movie.  I didn’t realize it at the time, but all the nerves and tension I felt at the beginning of the film had slowly disappeared by the end.  I started to feel like I was just watching a movie with another girlfriend and not Benjamin Flynn.  My body was still burning, but I had begun to grow accustomed to the tingly feeling I felt when Ben would lean over.  My body didn’t react as intensely as it did the first time he whispered in my ear, and I was more prepared for the feeling I experienced when Ben was near me.
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