Chapter 005 - Humdrum

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The Hurvitz is a few hundred meters away from where we live. It’s inconvenient. In the Sierra Madre, I can just transform into my wolf and arrive at my destination with little issue. Here, even if it’s dark and the street lamps are flickering–as if about to expire, I can only walk. I turn the corner. The air smells stagnant because of the open sewers that have been left alone and ignored by both the public and the officials. In the distance, I see the small apartment we rented in. It’s dark. There’s no electricity because the previous tenant did not pay for a few months and now we are forced to live in a house with no power. Not much of a difference in that regard though. Sierra Madre also has an unstable power supply. I take the provided key from my bag and push open the door. I travel my eyes on the small room. It is smaller than our room in Sierra Madre. It doesn’t even have a separate room. There is only a wooden wall divider that splits the kitchen and dining table from the sleeping area. I sigh. I don’t have the right to complain though. We are faring better than the other rogues. It’s a good thing that alpha Rico did not send a manhunt for us. I sit beside the sleeping area where my mother and Gerald are still sleeping. I look at my phone’s clock. It’s early morning now. I shake Gerald’s shoulder. “You have class today, right? You need to start preparing.” Once we found a place to stay, we decided that Gerald needs to complete his study. He is still a high school student, so matriculation is cheaper compared to college. I’m sure we can afford it. “Sis?” he asks, half-sleep. “You need to get up and take a bath, else you will find a queue at the bathroom later,” I say, referring to the communal bathroom for the three apartments that surround the main house. Gerald gets up and rubs his eyes. “Eat later. I bought breakfast.” Gerald goes to the wooden shelves and takes a towel and clothes. He goes out of the apartment and I fix our breakfast table. “What did they say about your hair?” I turn my attention towards my mother. She’s already tidying the cardboards and blankets that they sleep on. I unconsciously touch my hair. It’s black with highlights of red. It is a result of my shifting a few years ago. “Aren’t you getting attention for that?” she asks. “Even at the pack, you get noticed for that.” “They said nothing about it. Maybe because I work in a nightclub?” My mother sits at the table. She sprinkles vinegar on her pancit as I fix her coffee. “How about you dye it? To hide the highlights?” “I’ve seen girls with the same color and highlights. I don’t think it’s such a big deal.” “Yours is messy. As if your hairstylist botched the job.” “Hmmm,” I mutter. “How are you today?” I ask, changing the topic. I don’t plan to change it because I cannot afford it. I’d rather use the money to pay for our bills. “Boring,” she answers. “Maybe I can work too? I can be a laundrywoman. Or a maid.” I look at her. She still seems weak. I don’t think her weak constitution can handle it. Besides, no one would hire an old, thin lady who looks as if she’ll faint in the most basic housework. However, to assuage her, I say, “I will ask around if there will be any jobs that you can do.” ***************************** “Rhian, it’s the end of your shift, right?” Nathan asks over the phone. I sign my time out, glancing at my cellphone clock, and answer, “Yes, what’s up?” Hoping that he called to inform me that my LOA documents are completed. “Come out. I am outside The Hurvitz.” My eyes widen. “Really!?” I hear laughter at the end of the line. “I’m going out now, wait for me.” “Don’t worry, I won’t leave,” he says. I giggle, and brisk walk to meet him. Going out of the building, I see him standing and looking over the underpass in front of The Hurvitz. When he turns towards me, I smile. My heart warms at his presence. “Nathan!” I call and give him a quick hug. Besides, I know my limitations. We are getting older and I can’t just smother him with hugs when he doesn’t like it. He answers it with a quick pat on my back. Like me, he’s not the clingy type of friend. I wonder how he would act once he meets his mate? That might be a great view. “You look glad to see me,” he comments. I grin. “I am doing good, thank you very much for asking.” “About your LOA—” “Shhh… Let’s find a place to talk. How about trying a posh restaurant?” He laughs. “You know, we can’t afford a posh restaurant.” “Are we back to street food?” “Like the old times, huh?” I nod. “No. I suggest we try the food in your place of work. You do have some employee discount, right?” “Yes,” I answer. Then remembers that Alli is the chef. I cringe. “We can do that, but well, the chef is kinda weird, right now.” He frowns. “What kind of weird?” “He’s courting me,” I say, embarrassed that I have this kind of problem in a workplace area. “Are you uncomfortable with it?” “Of course! We are, you know…” I say looking around. “We are uncomfortable about it unless they are our mates.” “And I have told you, not everyone is like that, especially those higher in the hierarchy. They have no issues being in a relationship with someone who is not their mates.” “Maybe for the males.” “What if you mated with someone like your father?” I clench my jaws. “Let’s hope that won’t happen. And besides,” I say, winding my arms around his and pulling him into the building. “I am a rogue now. My chance of finding my mate is relatively lower. Does not matter though, at least, I got out of Sierra Madre earlier than you.” “Yeah, that dream of us,” he says, allowing himself to be pulled into The Hurvitz. “Only, you are also out of the pack, which is not included in our plan.” I grin. “Small details,” I say. “Wait,” he says, stopping me. “I thought you are uncomfortable with us eating at your workplace?” “We can do that thing again,” I suggest. He knits his brows. “You can act as my boyfriend. That can stop him from doing anything.” “Ah, so that’s the reason for this,” he says, pointing at my arms around his. “It will just be quick. One hour of disgust at most,” I say. “If I am doing this, it will be your treat,” he says. “It’s unfortunate,” I say and push open the door to the club. “But must be done.” There are very few people in the club now. Mostly, everyone remaining are those too drunk to leave, or those getting their early breakfast. Cleaners are doing their job, but mostly in areas far away from the diners. Cami greets us and smiles while looking over at Nathan from head to toe. I frown. It feels weird having another person checks out my best friend. I jump when suddenly Nathan winds his arm around my waist. “Wow! I thought you don’t have a boyfriend?” Cami exclaims. “Ahm, you see—” not knowing how to explain this to her. This farce is meant for Alli. “I’m a suitor,” Nathan answers for me. “But not for long, right?” he asks, winking at me. I look away and remove his hand from my waist. “As you can see,” I say to Cami. Cami grins. “I guess you’ll be using your employee discount? Should I take your orders?” “Yes please,” I say and walk towards a vacant table. Once seated and Cami is done getting our orders, Nathan starts, “Your LOA application is done. I’ve sent a softcopy to your email.” “What did they say?” “That it’s regrettable,” he sighs. “If only I don’t live in the Sierra Madre, I could have asked you to live with us. There’s only me and my mother, you see.” “You know, I can’t trouble your mother for that.” “She knows.” I frown. “I’ve told her everything.”
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