Chapter 007 - Mate

1227 Words
I feel uncomfortable and restless and very cautious. I jump at any unexpected noise, which is a lot because I am in a nightclub. I enter the kitchen, but instead of getting another batch of orders, I lean over the table and slowly exhale. Feeling that it’s not enough, I also touch my chest while I even out my breathing. I’ve been working here for more than a year, so I should already be familiar with everything here. I feel a touch on my shoulder, and I jump towards the edge of the table. It’s Cami who is frowning at my reaction. For the past year, she’s been a friend who keeps Alli–I can’t even believe his persistence–away from me. She does it by distracting Alli with s*x. She’s enjoying it so it’s a win-win for us. “Rhian, are you okay?” she asks. “I’m not sure,” I honestly say. It’s been like this for a few days, but today, it is heightened. Is it because it is my twenty-first birthday? Couldn’t be, right? My previous birthdays are not like this. No anxiety, no jitters, is this also a wolf thing? Maybe I should ask my mother once I return. “I told you to take today as leave.” She touches my forehead. “You’re a bit warm. You can’t be sick during your birthday!” she exclaims. I make a lopsided smile. She’s also more comfortable acting like an older sister to me as if I am one of her seven siblings that she needed to protect. “I’m okay. It’s just jitters.” “Did Alli touch you again!?!” “No, no,” I say, shaking my head. Alli had tried a couple of times for the past year, but Cami already told me what to do about it. “Your advice had been very helpful in that regard,” I add. Cami groans and I fix my smile. “I’m fine, really. Just give me a few minutes and I will be back to delivering these meals,” I say. “Whatever you say,” she says, takes the meals, and leaves. I tightly close my fist and shut my eyes, taking even breaths as I calm myself down. I find that this particular mantra is effective every time my emotions are high. It is also effective in calming myself every time I am on the verge of shifting to my wolf form. I open my eyes in surprise. Emotions? Wait… My emotions are intensifying? Why?! s**t! I look through the serving hatch and look at the people outside the kitchen. My heart is thumping hard on my chest. Don’t tell me this is really because I am a wolf? What can make a wolf fidget like this? I clench my jaws. There is only one thing I can think of—is my mate out there? Seriously, moon goddess? Is this your birthday gift to me? I lean on the table. I am having mixed feelings about this. I don’t want to meet my mate, in fear that he’ll be as abusive as my father. But somehow, I want to, my instincts are telling me to go outside and meet him, like right now. “Rhian?” I jump. I whirl around to see Alli placing another plate of fries beside me. “Why are you jumpy?” He studies my features and then, a smile forms on his face. “Don’t tell me you are becoming aware of me?” he asks. He brushes his fingers over my arm and I jump back from him, hitting the shelves of utensils on the other end of the kitchen. It is disgust that makes me act like that, even the sense of distaste is overpowering. I almost want to growl at him for even trying to touch me. What the f**k! I really need to control this right now. “Ha! Cami is right. I would never deserve you,” he says and walks away. I don’t like him but somehow; I feel bad. This is a wolf thing. Something I cannot explain to humans. I scratch my head and glares at the serving hatch. Whoever you are, let’s face this. Besides, I can never escape this mate bond, anyway. Better to face it now. I fix my clothes and my apron, making sure I look clean. I take the tray of meals and go out. The music is louder outside than in the kitchen. Sometimes, I need to shout just so the customers can hear me. I can feel it–my mate is near. The hair on my arms tingles with anticipation, and my heart has turned into a soft hum. It’s as if my entirety is promising me an enchanting and thrilling meet. I swallow as I write ‌the last order of the customers in table ten. Can my mate feel this too? Is he also looking out for me? In the same way that I look over my shoulders? There is a delicious tingle that starts on my toes and up to my head, then repeats its journey. It’s the mate bond’s doing that, right? “Rhian! Will you get the orders from Room 8?” Maika, another waitress, says. “On it!” I answer. I walk towards the rows of rooms on the second floor which is the more secluded area of the club. Guests choose this place for comfort and privacy. It’s more expensive though. In truth, I hate this place. Most often than not, people in these rooms are doing stuff that I don’t want to walk in. I knock on the door. There is no answer. I sigh. Suddenly there is a shrill scream of a woman inside. I jump back from the door and people in the hall look weirdly at me. I stare at the door again. What was that? Is a woman being abused inside? I place my hands on the doorknob, and then, another scream. It’s like my mother’s scream when she and my father are alone in the room. The times when I pull my brother out of the house. “Wait!” And then a scream again. Calming myself down, I burst open the door, only to be met by a scene that I am sure I will never forget in my entire life. A woman is on all fours on the center table. A man is standing behind her and holding her butt while thrusting inside of her. There is another woman behind the man, her fingers are trailing along his sweaty shoulders. They are all naked and their clothes are strewn all over the floor. The man stops thrusting into the woman, and the woman seems annoyed by my interruption. The man looks at me, his brows furrowed. I know him, Luis Wendell. Alpha Rico’s twenty-four years old son. A womanizing asshole who looks like he’s in his late twenties because of his height and built. And as my insides go into a state of pandemonium and euphoria for laying my eyes on him. My mind is asking all the questions on why it should be him. Of all the people in the entire world, why did the moon goddess choose this jerk to be my mate?!
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