Marigold ❀ 03

1899 Words
Iris Sinclair's pov Four men flank me as they walk me deeper into the mansion. They all wearing black suits, one of them had some blood smeared on his white t-shirt. I suddenly felt very childish in my panda hoodie. I noticed their bulged pocket, a gun judging by the shape, probably to shoot me if I decided to do their boss any harm, not that I'd be able to do it even if I wanted. Before I entered they had removed all my potential weapons, including the plastic knife in my lunchbox. One of the guards pulled a blindfold over me when we reached a certain section of the mansion, to keep secrecy, I assumed. One of the men gets too close to me, so close that I can feel his chest pressed against my back. I shuddered when I felt his erection graze my inner thigh. "I'll have some after the boss is done with you, little girl." His breath hot against my ears, like a predator to a prey's. he sucks in a breath, taking in my orange flavoured body cream. I fought the urge to take off the blindfold and punch him in the face. A few minutes later we arrived at the boss's office. "Come in." His voice is dangerous and full of authority. "Yes sir." I hear the sound of the door being swung open, the next thing I know, I was shoved into the room. A person come forward to remove my blindfold. I blink a couple times, adjusting to the light. The face of the person who removed my blindfold materialises in front of me. She is stunningly beautiful. She has wavy brown hair, tanned skin. The first thing i noticed about her face is her bright red lips, she must've used jungle red lipstick. Unlike the men wearing suits, she's wearing a sexy red dress that shows most of her body. Her body is very hot, matching her dress. I can't help but to be jealous, thinking of my flat chest and my almost flat butt. Behind her a man sits on a chair, my mouth dropped open, he is so hot, his face is in the perfect ratio and his beautiful blonde hair seems to be glowing, the halo of the light gives him a nature crown, marking him the mafia prince he is. "What's your name again? Izzy claire?" His deep voice rumbles out. "Iris Sinclair, sir." I added the sir part, I don't want to know the consequences of disrespecting a mafia, especially a don. A risky plan, I know, but I have no other option since the police refuse to look into this case since Samson is just someone online. Samson has to pay the price for how he broke my heart, through either the legal way or illegal. Revenge is not the only reason though, I also come forward because I need all the intimate pictures removed from the internet. I already reported them on social media but Samson has so many alt. "Ah, you are the slut who's nude got posted all over social media, yes?" He purses his lip in amusement, "You've come to strike a deal? " "Yes sir," I winced when he said the word ‘slut’ and 'nude', i always say ' intimate pictures' instead of 'nude', as if saying the word makes everything real "There's a price for everything darling, what do I get in return? " When he called me the endearment my knees went weak, begging to submit to this man in front of me. Damn it iris, get a hold of yourself, he's a f*****g mobster boss, he probably does drug, human trafficking, murder all sorts of stuff. I've already thought of the price before I came here. I take out the cash in my pocket. my heartaches as i thought of giving all my precious savings to him. I grit my teeth and tell myself that this is necessary. He tips his head like a puppy playing with his new favourite toy, he lets out a husky laugh "Are you kidding me? How much is that? Maybe a few thousand dollars? " I clenched my jaw, five thousand seven hundred and nine to be exact, I earned all of this money ever since I was fourteen, from dishwashing at restaurants, babysitting and walking dogs. He just tramples over it like it was nothing. I wanted to scream at him, tell him how hard earned these cash were, unlike his dirty easy money. But I bite my lips and I beg "Please sir i will do anything, I- I can come here after school everyday and do chores, just please help me." He lets out another malicious laugh and the girl snickered too "You? You are so skinny I bet you can't even lift a bucket of water, plus we got slaves for that." She scoffed "Yes I can." I retorted, “I do chores at home all the time!" Is true, at home I had to cook breakfast and dinner, clean the house, otherwise my father would beat me. they would have forced me to cook lunch too, if i weren't at school. I just look skinny because they don't feed me properly. He runs his finger over my black hair, almost gently if it wasn’t for the lust in his voice. "Darling, all you are good for is a good f**k, I wouldn't say no to that though." My cheek warms at that sentence, did this handsome man just openly admitted that he wanna f**k me? Who does he think I am? A prostitute? Just because I send a intimate picture to someone doesn’t mean I’m a prostitute. Samson is the one who lured me into the darkness, who used my naivete to bewitch me. "So what do you say darling? let me f**k you for a night, and you will get my help." I hesitated, weighing the option, he saw my hesitation and gave me a little shove. "Darling you don't have any other choice, or do you want to stick around for your nude to spread to the whole country? Just one night with me, and all your troubles of the nude will be gone, forever. you don't have money to get other mobsters to help you either, such a pathetic baby. " " Plus are you really willing to let him get away with it? Don't you want to get the satisfaction of vengeance? " With that, I finally made up my mind. I must let Samson pay for what he did to me. "What will happen to samson?" I asked "Will he get a beating or what?" "That, my darling, depends on how good you are in my bed." "How would I know you will actually follow through the deal?" I asked skeptically "Trust me, I'm a man of my word." ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ The place he wanted to meet me for our 'exchange' is the Hilton hotel in Scarborough Toronto, Queen Louis street, 7pm. Yesterday I received a package. It was tossed through my bedroom window judging by the way it landed on my floor, I didn't have to guess to know that it was from the mafia prince. I felt a dread of panic, how does this bastard know where I live? And the fact that he knows exactly which room in the house is mine didn't help my uneasiness either. I scratch open the tape with my uneven nails, bitten due to anxiety, revealing a dress. Wait, that's too revealing to be a dress, is lingerie! The lingerie is pink with beautiful flora lacing, the top seems like a normal bra except for two heart shaped hole cutted where the n*****s are. The bottom is a semi transparent skirt, I blushes as i imagine myself in it. This kinda reminds me of my sister Lily's halloween costume last year. There's also a collar and a pair of cat ears, matching the sexy lingerie. So here I am, in front of Hilton hotel, in the lingerie he gave me with a warm fur coat covering my body. I even applied some strawberry body cream before coming, he said the better i made him feel, the more punishment he will inflict on samson. I paces in trepidation as I feel the soft fur grazing my tender n****e. Will this hurt? Yesterday I searched up some videos of boys and girls doing stuff so I can get some experiences. One video a girl was on her hands and knees on the bed, a muscular male walked up to her, he took off his pants and boxer revealing a hard meat stick, the stick is like the size of that girl's forearm! The man started thrusting in and out with no mercy, i saw the girl's eyebrows furrows in pain as she moaned loudly. Later I saw another girl gagging on another meat stick, her eyes rolling back and the mascara was running down her cheeks along with her tears. Later she puked on the meat stick, but the man just pulled on her hair and kept thrusting in and out. I closed the tabs before I see more horrid stuff that will haunt my nightmare. After a few tormenting minutes, the mafia prince finally walked up to me. He leads me to a luxurious room, a presidential suit judging by the size. "Stripe," was the first thing he said to me, not a request, but a command. I takes off my cloth as slowly as possible, as if i stripe a little slower will prevent the following night. Eventually the fur coat fell to my feet. He glares at me, taking in every detail of my body, taking in my quivering lip, then travels his eyes to my little n*****s, like I'm an item at the store. i did my best not to cower in shame. "How do you know my address?" I asked, trying to think of anything other than me being naked in front of an almost stranger. "Mafia have their way, as long as you are an obedient girl I shall pose no harm to you nor your family." He glares at me so long that I feel uncomfortable, "Do you fear me, darling?" "Yes sir." I replied, there's no point in lying, he can tell anyways, nothing hides from his laser beam eyes. "There's no need, I'm going to make you feel so good tonight, so good that you will be dying to come back for round two." He leans in and whispered darkly "Also stop calling me sir, call me Lacus " "Yes si-, I mean Lacus. yes Lacus." "Are you a virgin darling?" He closes the distance between us, he raises his hand and I flinch automatically. I closed my eyes, waiting for the inevitable hit, but it never came, he just brushes my hair behind my ear. "Yes." "I'll be gentle then." He smiles, attempting to seem nice. “ have some wine, it is better to do it with some alcohol in your system, trust me." The wine is bitter, it burns my lip when it comes into contact with it, then it burns my throat, then stomach, ravishing every inch of my body. After just a few sips I felt dizzy, that's when I felt his warm lips on mine…

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