2720 Words

CHAPTER FIVE House Warming The hot September sun put satiny luster into the grain of the rosewood paddle blade, iron-scarred with Sigma's initials. Mona Forbes knelt by the window, her mauve eyes giving the bottom-smacker up close and personal inspection. White linen slacks emphasized her buttocks. "A refreshing way to start each week, to reorient the stale synapses, can be to contemplate the nastier consequences of straying from the narrow-and-true." Susie Salton leaned on her bed. Her witch-wild brown hair framed a thin-lipped, beak-nosed face redeemed by her minxish eyes and ever-bursting grin. "You remember that silly song from last night's welcoming ritual? Recite a verse." Mona's backside still twinged from her cousin Rita's Sunday attentions. Her honed memory responded instant

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