Chapter Five

1598 Words
I stood there just staring at her, she probably thinks I’m a creep but can she blame me? I mean she’s a goddess… My own goddess, one I would worship every second of every day. My gaze was rudely interrupted by my mother as she lunged at me with her arms squeezing tighter than a pythons death grip, when she finally released me I saw the tear playing in her eyes. “Thank god you’re here, I’ve been worried sick! No calls, no messages, not even a single letter! Do you know what you’ve put me and your father through? Going months without a word from you? At least Sam found it in his heart to call his family and let them know you two were okay and safe, I can’t believe you Tyler! You’re eighteen, but yet you acted like your still five years old!” My mother yelled causing some of the pack members to stop and stare. “Sweetheart, let’s talk about this after the ceremony away from unwanted ears. For now Tyler, I want you to think about what you’ve done and see if you can come up with an excuse good enough excuse as to why, you’ve acted lower than your age,” my father said as he gathered my mother and walked towards the stage. Rose had disappeared but as I walked towards the stage I saw her sitting down with her mother and Bella, her eyes found mine and I smiled. She looked in a daze but finally pulled her eyes away from mine, which made me growl but I brushed it off. Well, this is it… Say good bye to life on the road Tyler. || Rosella’s POV|| "You looked very uncomfortable through the whole ceremony, is something wrong?" mom asked me as we sat on the patio watching the pups play. 'Of course there is! Our new Alpha is our mate,’ Leah said, I pushed her back shutting her out. “No I’m just exhausted from today’s training,” I smiled trying my hardest not to burst out and tell her. She’d make a big scene, she’d run straight to Luna Emily and then I’ll never hear the end of it. They would probably start wedding planning if I did, so I kept my mouth shut. “You know, me and your father are so proud of you. What you’re doing for this pack is amazing, Shane and Emily said they have seen a big difference in the pack because of you. You’re an amazing trainer and an even better daughter but what me and your father want from you, is for you to find your own happiness. Whether it be traveling the world, sky diving over Dubai or even becoming a painter who sits out on their balcony till morning to capture the wonders of sunrise,” she said and I smiled. “I’m happy here with my family, I love you mom,” I said as she embraced me and kissed my head. "I'm going to for a walk," I said as I walked away, she always knows how to make me cry that women. I gently walked pass people who were in the way and found an exit, the cool breeze hit me and I breathed it in. The sun was going to set soon and I wanted to get a better view, pups played in the front as the mothers chat and laugh. They wave as I walk past, they were all very nice and all knew me. I walked towards the woods but my mates smell was everywhere. 'MATE.... Where is he? Find him oh... I wonder how his hair feels and his body,' Leah said which scared me when her outburst ran through my head. 'Leah, calm your t**s he's probably got better things to do-' I said but stopped as I turned the corner to see two individuals with their tongues down each other’s throat. I knew who it was I just didn’t want to believe it... My mate and the school slut Emma. Their heads snapped towards me, Emma glared as Tyler pushed her away. He stepped towards me but I stepped back, my eyes watered as I turn and bolted through the woods. I stopped after I made sure he didn’t follow, I didn’t want to look at him right now I couldn’t bare it. 'Mate,' Leah whined. I wanted to rip Emma apart, he was my mate not hers. The goddess made it so, he was mine. MINE! I couldn't control my anger I striped and shifted, I ran through the woods and kept running until I reached the lake. I could see the sun better as it went down, I sat my butt down before slumping down to the ground to sulk. I had calmed down a bit but the pain was still there, I watched as the sun set and slowly disappeared. I lay there for a while before deciding to head back, as it was getting dark; I jogged through the woods until I could see the massive mansion come into view. I had agreed to stay with Chloe tonight, but all I wanted to do was curl up in my own bed and cry. I guess I’ll have to endure one night under the same roof as Tyler. I shifted back into human form, I was completely naked and for some reason I couldn't find my dress anywhere. “I left them right here!' I said confused as to why my clothes had suddenly disappeared. That’s when I heard a low growl. "Looking for these?" I turned to see Tyler holding my dress with a cheeky smirk on his face. I walked up to him and went to grab my clothes but he held them up so I couldn't reach it. "GIVE ME MY DRESS!" I yelled annoyed as he wouldn’t give it to me, he grinned. He eyed my body up and down his gaze stopped at my chest then I realized I was naked. "s**t!" I cursed as I ran behind a tree, for some reason me being naked totally slipped my mind. I figured the culprit was Leah making me growl, I heard him chuckle. "Why are you hiding from me? You’re my mate and I should be allowed to look at what's mine," he said as he stepped closer. To know that he likes what he sees is a major turn on... Rose stop he was just making out with Emma. “Being someone’s soul mate isn’t ownership, its commitment and an intimate connection between two people. By what I just witnessed ten minutes ago it seems as if you have an intimate connection with someone else, which also cancels out ‘Soulmates’. So give me my damn dress!” I yelled. “Emma came onto me", he said chuckling making my temper spike even higher. “Says every guy in the entire town!” I yelled causing him to laugh but I growled. My wolf was going crazy I was a bit to, all I wanted was my bloody dress and he was holding it against me like chocolate milk. Which I admire dearly. “Come on Rose, I wouldn’t do that to you. You’re the only one I want,” he said making Leah purr. I scanned his face for signs of lying but there was none; I huffed knowing I would have to give up on being angry. "Alright fine, I believe you but you have to earn me. I'm not that girl that gives herself away to anyone... Now give me my clothes," I said he looked at me with pointed eyes. “I’m not just anyone baby,” he said and I glared at him. He laughed and threw me my dress, I slipped it on but had trouble zipping it up. I had a plan… I knew he was peeking while I was getting dressed; I was going to show him who’s the boss. "Hey Tyler can you help me?" I asked in a sexy tone and I heard him growl as I said it. Within a second he was behind me, he gripped the zipper and slowly let his finger trail up my back. It felt amazing, the little sparks lighting the path his fingers made. He knew I liked it but what he didn’t know is that I was in charge, and I had him on my hook. I turned around so I was facing him, his eyes changed to a dark blue; they were filled with lust and desire. He looked so magnificent up close, his beautiful features shimmering in the last light of the day and his hair dancing in the wind. How I wanted to tangle my fingers in it... Rose stop he has to earn us. I looked at him, then my eyes trailed to his lips; I leaned in as he lowered his head. Our lips were centimeters away but before they got closer, I bolted leaving him standing there with anger flashing through his eyes. This is going to be fun.
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