1038 Words
" I'm seeing some black shadow behind you Brian . . . " . " Are you crazy over something after drinking " . " No it is looking like a person " . " Huh ? Hey Theo Keane . . Are we still kids ? Why are you kidding with me right now ? Are you serious ? " . " I'm serious right now . I'ts true . Someone is behind you " . " Theo Keane . . . Are you okay ? No one is behind is me . Just relax dear ! " . " No Nah No . . . No . . Clearly , I'm seeing someone behind you " . " That's why I said you to drink less Theo Keane " . " No , It is really weird that man is only visible to me . I didn't get drunk that fast . " " Okay , Maybe it will be your imagination or any hallucinations cause of stress , Just leave it " . " No I can't . . . . . " . " Hey Theo Keane ? Did fell asleep again ? I told you to drink less " . " Ah . . . Ugh . . . Oh I fell asleep . . Thank god it's a dream " . " Huh ? What ? What dream you had within five minutes ? " . ( It was just a dream ) " Someone was stand behind you and that person looked weird and you wake me up " . " Oh , Did you still getting the dreams before that happens ? You went to United states To get rid of those problems , I'm glad that you are good now " . " Yeah , But sometimes I will get weird stuffs in my mind " . " Okay , Now you are back . . . " . " Brian . . . . . Seriously someone is standing behind you . . . " . " Don't mess with me right now . . . I don't see anyone behind me . Oh Oh oh . . . you are trying to scare me huh ? Yaa! I'm not a kid anymore . . . . . " . " No . . I'm saying the truth Brian " . " Was it a ghost ? Wait Let me check in the phone camera . . . . Nothing visible . . . Hey Theo Keane . . . Where are you going ? Theo Keane wait . . " . For Theo Keane eyes really someone is visible behind Brian and he got curious and started following that person And that person is a Black dress man . . . Theo Keane went so far by following the Black dress man . Brian also following Theo Keane but They are far away from each other . Black Man also walking fast in front of Theo Keane . " Hey Theo . . Why are you running this fast by following your hallucinations ? Hey Theo Keane . . . Theo If you run this fast , You will reach the main road . . . Oh my gosh ! ! Why did he returned here ? He started do crazy things again !! " . Theo Keane reached the main road and many buses , Taxis and cars are moving fastly in that road . But Theo Keane keep moving without a step back . From far away Brian shouting , " Hey Theo Stop moving , It's dangerous . Oh Nah oh no , Theo Keane . . . Theo . . " . Suddenly , one car coming fast in that road , unexpectedly Theo Keane is stop moving and he can't move from that car way . The car is about to get crash with Theo Keane . All of a sudden , One girl came near to Theo Keane and she pulled his hands and they both were slipped and fell down safely . And the car crossed without any problem . " Excuse me , Please get up from the road . . . Why you are standing in this dangerous road ? What you will do , If I can't here ? " . Brian also came near to them . . . . " Theo Keane . . . Are you okay ? , Hello , Do you remember me ? You are the girl who living in the opposite of the Joel's house right ? " . " Yes . . . I remember you .Okay I'm having a work near , I'm leaving now . Take care of your Friend , Bye . . " . " Brian Do you know her ? " . " Yeah , I know her cause of Joel case . Ah I forgot her name . . . . " . " Everlee . . . Her name is Everlee " . " Is she her ? You talked about her a few hours ago ? Oh . . Oh . . " . " Yes . . . Wait . . . Where that weird person went ? I chased him and I almost about to die because of that person . . Ah I'm going crazy right now " . . . . . . . " Theo Keane . . You didn't recover fully and maybe you are getting that thing again . Don't stress yourself , It is just a Hallucinations " . " No , For me . . . It felt real . And also I had a dream before it happens " . Suddenly Brian is getting call from Alex Roosevelt . . . . . " Hello Alex Roosevelt . . . " . " What ?! Is he Kinsley's uncle ? Okay okay we are coming , I will call to Kinsley and I will there soon " . TO BE CONTINUED . . . . . . . . . . . . KINSLEY'S UNCLE AH ? AREN'T YOU CURIOUS ?
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