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Black dress man singing . . . . . . " Who am I ? Why I'm having these powers ? What in the world I'm . . . ? Oh Oh Oh . . . But I likes to kill those bad peoples . . . . . . . Oh Oh Oh . . . Don't run away bad peoples . . . . . . Stop right there ! Stop . . . . Stop . . . . . . Stop right there there ! . . . . " . " What I did ? I didn't do anything wrong , I'm saying this from my heart , I didn't do anything " . " You didn't do anything wrong huh ? ? You didn't right ? ? " " Yeah , I didn't . . . . . . " . " You crazy fellow . . . You betraying your two daughters and your wife , But actually you are the one who is betraying by that whole family , I already killed those crazy idiots . . . Now I came to you . . . . . Just run until I catch you . . . . " . " Who are you ? Why are you doing this ? I can't run . . uh .. my leg hurts . . What power you . . . uh . . . are . . are having ? How can kill the bad peoples ? You crazy bast**d . . Now I'm calling to the police , you are the one , who is going to die here itself . . . " . Black Dress man didn't talk and that man just called to the police . . . . Black Dress man just smirked at him and said , " You have to see a difference between the true world and fake world, Then you will know . . . " . Black Dress man just disappeared . . . . . " Hello . . . . hello . . . With whom you are talking ? Are you doing any prank call , Hello . . . " asking by Emmie from the call centre . " What happened Emmie ? Just hang up the phone call . . . " said by Jocelyn . " Wait . . . . He is screaming . . . . " . In the phone call , " Oh no . . . Ah . . . . Ah Ah . . . . " . The sound stopped . . . . Jocelyn saying , " Track the location and inform this to the police group " . Cody Roosevelt tracked that location and informed this incident to Brain and his team , And Theo Keane also going with them to that empty dark road . . . . . . . . . . " What ? Okay we are going there immediately . . . " said by Brian . Brain saying , " We have to hurry up , Theo Keane Do you wanna come with us ? " . " Of course , I'm going with you guys " . They reached that dark doom road . . . . In call centre , Jocelyn asking police group , " Hey guys did you reached that road " . Brain saying to Jocelyn , " Yeah we reached , Why this road is this dark and Me , Westley , Alex Roosevelt , Theo Keane and Nathan are walking in this dark road and Did they find any information about that person . . . . . . . " . " No nah , They didn't find yet , If they find I will let you know . . . " said by Jocelyn . Westley saying , " Why this road is like this ? Let's use some flash lights . We have to find that person as soon as possible " . They are using flashlights and they keep walking in that dark road. . . . . . . . . . Nathan saying , " we came to the dead end of the road , But we didn't find anyone here , Alex Roosevelt . . . Ask the call centre to check that person location again " . Alex Roosevelt called to Cody Roosevelt and asking , " We reached that and checked , we didn't find anyone here yet , Please check the location again . . . . . Cody " . " I checked again and again , That phone location is just 5 meter is away from you Alex Roosevelt . . . . " . All got shocked and their faces went like , " What ! ? " . Theo Keane saying , " Let's go " . Theo Keane found that person is hanging in the tree and he is covered with the branches of the tree . " I found him . . . . Come here guys " . Nathan called to the ambulance and also he informed to the call centre . Westley saying , " Is he still alive ? " . Brian saying , " It's seems like he is alive and Who did this to him ? " . Emergency service arrived there and rescued that person and they are going to the hospital . Doctors said , " He is quite alright , he just had a injury in his head " . After one hour , Go and ask questions to him , But be careful when handling the patients " . Brian and Theo Keane are waiting to see that person . . . . . Meanwhile , Nathan , Alex Roosevelt and Westley went to the call centre and searching the details and information about that person . . . . Finally , that person opened his eyes . . . Theo Keane and Brian is going inside and asking him questions . . . Brian asking , " Why you made a phone call to call centre ? " . He replied that , " What the f**k ? ! I'm just drunken and walked in the road , after that , I pumped into the tree and I just fainted " . Brian asking again , " Then why you called and screamed and asked help ? " . " Ugh . . . Are you crazy ? Just get lost " . Theo Keane just asked Brian to come out . Brian saying , " Don't know what to do now ? " . The Keane said , " You Don't know what to do ? right ? Then why I'm here ? " . TO BE CONTINUED . . . . . . . . . . . .
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