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"Raika, come on." Aura called waiting in the kitchen. She spent the night at her parents' cabin after a week at the village hospital at the request of her sister. Alpha Enoch suggested Aura and Raika go on a hunt, so Raika could learn from a top warrior. Aura knew that was probably bullshit. Enoch was just trying to keep Aura busy, so he didn't have to deal with another tongue lashing. Last night, Enoch had tried talking to Aura through the mindlink, which ended with the mighty Alpha's tail tucked between his legs. Aura would not let him abuse his power to deal with personal matters. His actions toward her would be dealt with face to face. That's when Raika came bursting into the living room with excitement about going on a hunt. "Raika, I am going to leave your ass behind." Aura shouted at her sister. They had to get out of the valley before the sun rose. In addition to going on missions for the clan, wolf hunters and huntresses had to help provide food for the village like the other warriors in their clan. Raika came running into the kitchen. "I am here." She huffed. "I'm here. Let's go." Aura studied Raika because Raika seemed off. Raika is always on time and takes her assignment seriously. Her sister's clothes were recklessly strung on her body. Raika's weapons were hung upside down,  and she seemed out of breath."This is not your first hunt, Raika. Why are you struggling this morning?" Raika followed Aura's gestures to Raika's appearance. Of course, Raika hadn't woken up at her usual time. Aura had kept her up last night reviewing Raika's herbalist skills. When Aura learned Raika was becoming a wolf huntress, Aura made it her mission to teach Raika all about herbs to prepare her for anything. Aura had wanted to be a herbalist, not a wolf huntress. Raika didn't complain about the lessons because she could see the value of healing others. Had Aura forgotten the late-night study session ended only four hours ago? "Did you forget our study session?" Raika grumbled. She grabbed a cup of water and yachi bread, preparing for Aura's lecture. Aura waited a minute for Raika to start on her breakfast. Once Raika's mouth was full, Aura fully spoke. "You'll wish you had taken more time on your appearance. The Alpha is on his way." Like magic, Raika spits out her breakfast just as their father walks in. He was now covered in chewed and soggy yachi bread. "Girls, what is going on here?" Their father demanded. "Just a little sisterly revenge. By the way, we won't see the Alpha until tomorrow. Do your best today. I will be waiting on the steps outside." Aura grinned, leaving her sister and father speechless. "I do hope that is the end of your revenge game, Raika. If not, I will gladly end it." Her father said, fiercely, and then broke into a chuckle seeing his daughter's frightened face. "Raika, you are too easy." He kissed his daughter on the cheek, leaving her sitting there in disbelief. Raika wondered what kind of family she was born into. Sure, she could pull a prank, but her family topped her easily. Her mom was the worst offender when it came to prank wars, which is where Aura seemed to get her humor. Today will be a long day for Raika. She finished her breakfast, fixed her clothing and gear, and chased after her sister toward the Misty Woods. Aura and Raika bounded through the valley forest. Dust and leaves spang into the air behind them. The wind rushing through their fur and power flowing in their muscles. Aura scented imber deer beyond the cave toward the Misty Woods. Her primal instincts pushed her paws to race into the cave. Raika's black figure tailed behind her growling with excitement. They were both ready for the thrill of the hunt. The two wolves lay low in the brush watching the herd of red striped imber deer. Gurgling of the river hid the sound of the wolves stalking closer to the deer. Aura took the lead, scattering the herd while Raika came around and started snapping at the legs of the deer. Utilizing her speed, Aura kept the bucks busy, so Raika could pick off as many members of the herd as possible. Bucks rushed Aura, backing her toward a large oak tree beside the river. Their antlers prodded Aura's silver fur, and she bared her fangs, growling fiercely. Her anger boiled in her blood, and her gold eyes reflected her instinct to hunt. She pawed the antlers away as she turned and sank her teeth into the buck's throat. Blood gushed into her mouth as the buck fought back against her until the bite finished the deer. Aura dropped her catch and went charging toward the other bucks. Raika chomped the legs and necks of four more deer until the herd ran on. Aura came snarling next to Raika to signal the end of the hunt. Raika dragged her kills into a pile and mindlinked some hunters to haul away their bounty. Aura added her bucks to the pile. The two wolves laid next to the carcasses waiting for the warriors to arrive with a cart. Raika was no stranger to hunts, but this is the first time She must stand guard and defend her kills. The woods are full of predators just looking for an easy meal, so this is the hardest part of the hunt. If Raika could defend the bounty of deer, then Aura could pass Raika for this test. Raika still had more things she would have to prove before the Elders' Council would make her a wolf huntress. Things seemed quiet when Raika heard a hiss of a snake slithering around the woods. Raika tensed as the hiss and slither got louder. The smell of deer blood loomed in the air, inviting the snake closer. Aura laid there next to the pile, watching Raika take a defensive stance. The snake's large head poked out from the bush. Raika was going to have to fight an Immanis Snake. The immanis snake slithered forward toward Raika, and its head was bigger than Raika's entire body. She would have a tough fight against the hungry, hissing reptile. Aura was both intrigued at the aggressor and concerned about Raika taking on the snake alone. The snake didn't wait for Raika to move before making the first strike. All Aura could see was the vile green diamonds rushing toward her sister. Raika dodged at the last second, getting nicked by one of the immanis' fangs. She let out a loud howl of pain. Vile green diamonds on the snake's back invaded Raika's vision. The venom was painfully pumping through her veins. Her vision was clouding as she looked back at Aura getting ready to charge in. When she turned back to the snake, all she could see were fangs and a long tongue in front of her.
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