Night Fall

1348 Words
Dax felt Aura's grip loosen around his waist as her head fell against his back. The strange woman had finally fallen asleep after chatting the whole day. Aura was determined to find Dax a faster and safer route instead of cutting through the valley. She had spent the first part of the day explaining how the valley should be left untouched otherwise nature may strike back in anger. The second part of the day had more fun conversations. Aura talked about exploring the surrounding forests and meadows to her childhood home, and Dax told her of his work learning to make magic weapons as a blacksmith with his father. He figured she would have drifted off much earlier in the day, but she hung on until the sun started to get low. The valley was quiet around them, but he could feel eyes watching him and the sleeping woman. During the day, the valley had seemed tame, but as night approached, the valley began to evoke a feeling of dread. Dax supposed this was the reason people steered clear of the valley altogether. There were times he believed he could conquer the untouched land, but those thoughts faded with the sun on the horizon. Dax called for the men to make camp for the night while the sunlight barely lit up the sky above him. Perhaps, Aura spoke the truth about finding them a safer route. She appeared to have capable skills since the wolf had not been killed before his men rescued her. Aura is determined to stay in the valley though she worries for his safety traveling through it. Or maybe, she is one of those that believes nature should be left alone by man. Aura had seemed uncomfortable when his men began clearing away trees, branches, and the brush. "Sir, do you require assistance with getting the woman down?" Roland, one of his recruits, asked. Dax realized he had not moved after giving the order. He had been lost in thought because of this beguiling woman asleep behind him. "Yes, please. Gently pull her down. I don't want to shock her awake." Roland complied and pulled Aura down. He carried her bridal style, and Dax could help but laugh at the bare-footed woman. Dax almost wished they could have stayed on the horse longer. Dax climbed down and instructed Roland to follow him. He set up a blanket on the soft soil and grabbed his bag for her head. Roland placed her on the blanket and helped Dax set up his tent and a fire. Dax liked Roland's calm and helpful demeanor. He would be sure to get to know the man more. Once Roland left, Dax had the fire roaring. He began cooking food although his mind kept drifting toward the beautiful sleeping woman beside him. She looked at peace though he wanted to wake her and continue their conversations. Aura was mesmerizing both in conversation and beauty. He has caught several eyes settling on her since last night. How was he going to leave her in this valley tomorrow? Would she truly be safe alone? Dax couldn't let himself continue such thoughts. Aura wanted to stay, and they had only just met. She came into his life like a thunderstorm, electrifying the air and stirring up trouble. The fish from yesterday's catch began to pop and sizzle, drawing him back to the fire. He set the fish on a rock next to him and retrieved fresh water from the cart. Now, dinner was ready, but his guest had started snoring. She got louder and louder to the point he no longer felt sorry for wanting to wake her. He approached the strangely dressed, snoring, but definitely alluring woman. She must have sensed him approaching as her snores began to quiet. Was she rousing on her own? He came face to face with Aura. He felt a pull drawing him towards her. Was there some type of magic at play? No, this was only his own desire toward the woman, captivating his attention. She no longer snored, only soft breaths departed her light-brown lips. He could feel the heat of her breath when her gold orbs fluttered open. Dax pulled back and sat next to her. His light-skinned cheeks were now blushing red. The man had lost himself in this alluring woman. Dax could not bring himself to glance at what he assumed would be an angered and stunned Aura. He blamed this all on the fact that he had spent all his time with his men the last few months. If he had only spent more time with others, then he might not have acted so irrationally.   "Dax," Aura called to him, but he wouldn't look at her. She exhaled and tried again in a softer tone. "Dax, what was that?" "It was months only working around only men affecting my better judgment. I apologize for my actions." Dax said with much anguish in his voice. He only regretted almost kissing her because it would have been a stolen kiss. He wanted her to want it, too. "Okay. Perhaps, you should work on that then. Anyway, no harm done." Aura said casually. She wouldn't have been disappointed if it had happened, but Dax was only an assignment, not a potential mate. "I smell food. What did you make for us this time?" "Fish." He responded. He was still shocked at her calm demeanor. What kind of woman was she? Most women would have slapped him for trying to steal a kiss. "I hope you don't mind it being a bit burnt." Aura didn't mind at all and accepted the fish from him. They ate in silence, which was awkward and comforting at the same time. Aura thought of the handsome jaw and ocean blue eyes that had filled her vision only moments ago. The short black hair that she wanted to run her hands through and the heat of his presence made her body hot and cheeks blush. She was in serious trouble. Thoughts like this could complicate her mission. Aura downed the canteen of water to cool her and her mind. "Aura, are you all right?" Dax questioned his blushing dinner guest. He smiled at the thought she might be as flustered about what happened as him. "Y-yeah." She stuttered. "You were going to show me your map of the valley after we ate." Aura tried to deflect from her flustered tone. "Sure. I will grab it." Dax said. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us to the towns? You keep telling me the valley is unsafe and should be left alone." "I see your point, but there is a big difference between what I am doing and your mission. I am one person, hiding from my past. You guys are a group of people who have to disrupt nature when you travel. I am trying to be lost in the Valley of the Lost. You are knights on a mercy mission. My being here will not disrupt the valley. You and the knights already have." Aura explained. Dax had to understand the impact his presence would have here. If this ploy didn't work, she would have to call the elite guard in to prove nature would strike back. She prayed to God that Dax would take the hint. Dax could tell Aura truly believed in what she said. He still felt eyes watching him from the forest. Something odd was happening, but he needed to prioritize the villages in need waiting for the knight to come. "All right, Aura. Let's see what we can do, but I will not risk the plagued villages on maybes and could be." Dax laid out the map on the ground. The two spent the next few hours talking about solutions. When the moon was high, Aura had fallen asleep once more in Dax's arms. Dax sat there watching the fire die, holding Aura close. He wished he hadn't backed away before. He drifted to sleep wondering what Aura's lips might taste like.
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