Guild Master

1391 Words
Aura shivered as her eyes fluttered open. She could see daylight coming into focus, feeling a cold wet numbness all over her body. Her body ached with each small movement she made. Once her vision cleared, she saw herself still in the small stream, surrounded by a smokey fog and black, charred trees. Ash covered the once lush forest floor. Her memories of the night rushed back to her as silent tears streamed down her furry face. How had she, no. How had anyone in this forest survived that fire's destruction? Aura wasn't sure her body would allow her to stand, but she couldn't in this cold stream much longer. Her body temperature was already dangerously low. She forced her battered, freezing legs to stand and walk downstream towards the Village of Lilies. She knew Jalen had gotten the shifters out somehow, so Aura decided to make it back to a safe place. Her battered body would be an excuse enough for Dax to believe whatever wild story she would spin together. Her insides ached as she walked through her limbs were numb from the cool water. She stumbled and limped down the stream. All the trees appeared charred all along her route. The wind blew ash and the scent of burned wood through the black trees. Her nose stiffened at the harsh scents. The whole forest around her seemed dead. How long would it take the forest to heal from the fire Aura had caused? Aura wandered down the stream about half a day before she could finally see the village in the distance. Her ears perked up searching for any nearby people or animals. The fire destruction had stopped about a mile behind her. She could hear a few birds and maybe some maple gliders, large rodents that could leap from branch to branch, rustling in a tree. She tried one more time to mindlink Ivy and Jalen, but they didn't respond to her. Aura believed that she was utterly alone and forced her body to shift into her human form. Her body was as damaged in her human disguise as her wolf form. Burns, bruises, and broken ribs were apparent all over her shivering body. Her skin had a bluish color as she trudged forward. She wished she had her clothes right about now. Her pace slowed as she reached the village. She could see a few people not far from her, but as she tried to call out, she fell into the stream from exhaustion. The people heard the splash of Aura's body falling into the stream. They rushed over to pull her out of the stream before she drowned in the water. The men were surprised to find her battered, naked body, and call over a dwarf woman to help. The dwarf woman placed a cloak around Aura's body and carried Aura to her cottage. The dwarf woman laid Aura on her cot. She dug in her drawers to find a long gown and a first aid kit. "Well naked woman, you are in luck that I have medical supplies. I have been away for a few years, so I don't know if the medicine will be effective. Let's just give it a try, anyway. I can't  wait to hear your story." The woman smiled at the thought of hearing Aura's amazing adventures. She put the gown and the first aid kit down beside Aura. The dwarf removes her gear and her large ax. "Naked women, my name is Rhys. I thought I should at least introduce myself since I am about to become very familiar with you." The dwarf woman, Rhys, joked. She cleaned her hands and sat on a stool next to Aura. "All right, Miss, let's get you fixed up," Rhys said with a smile. Rhys unwrapped the cloak to find Aura shaking and a bluish tint to her skin. "So, clearly your body temperature is down. Let me get a fire going to warm you up." Rhys got up after covering the woman up and started piling wood into the fireplace. She sparked a fire into a steady blaze. Heat filled the room, allowing Rhys to tend to her patient. She pulled back the cloak and examined Aura's body. Rhys found burn wounds on Aura's back, legs, and arms as well as fractured ribs and deep bruising on Aura's stomach and thigh. There were lacerations all across Aura's body. "Who beat you so badly, naked woman? You're human, so I don't see you as a slave." Rhys looked closer and noticed Aura's black ring with a small red stone. "Bad marriage, maybe?" Rhys cleaned Aura's body and found a wolf tattoo on Aura's shoulder. "You have a tattoo and well-defined muscles, so I don't think you were an abused wife anymore. Perhaps you are just a strong woman that someone messed with. I have so many questions for you. Starting with why a wolf tattoo? So many things to choose from, and you pick a vicious animal. We need to discuss who you are friends with, naked women. Also, please wake up soon, so I don't have to call you naked woman anymore." Rhys medicated the burns and lacerations and wrapped them up. She wished she had a health potion to speed along the healing process. Rhys dressed Aura in a dark blue gown and brushed the blood and gunk out of Aura's black curls. She piled blankets on Aura, and let Aura just rest. Only time will tell if this Aura will wake. The sound of hard pounding filled the cottage when Rhys realized some brute was about to beat her door down. "Whoever you are, if you break my door, my ax will meet your face," Rhys said with her heavy dragon scale ax in her hand. The pounding turned into frustrated knocking as she approached the door. "You have no manners, you know?" She said, sternly as she opened the door. "Sorry, ma'am, but the knights told you to bring a wounded woman here?" A male voice asked, impatiently. "I don't see how that's any of your business, you brute elf!" Rhys shouted as she tried to close the door. "Forgive me, ma'am." The male elf sighed, struggling to hold the door open. "Let me start over. My name is Jalen Morjor. I believe the woman you have is my companion. She is a human with black curly hair, gold eyes, and caramel brown skin. She has a black ring on her left hand that has a red jewel. Does the woman I described match the woman in your cottage?" "Well, elf man, even if it did, how do I know you aren't lying about your relationship with her? Do you know how injured she is? If she was your companion, you did a poor job protecting her." Rhys spat. Jalen looked at the dwarf woman with pleading green eyes. "You are right that I did a poor job protecting her ma'am. There is no excuse for whatever injuries Aura has attained, but I would like to explain what happens-" "Rhys, is this man giving you any trouble?" A male voice called out to Rhys. "Still to be determined, Captain Dax," Rhys responded to the knight. "He's here to inquire about the woman found on the stream. He claims to be her companion. If he is, I want to punch him in the face for the woman. If he isn't, I still want to punch him in the face for beating on my door." "Quite a temper you have this afternoon, Rhys. Let me speak with the elf, and then I will come to see your guest." Dax said swiftly, turning to Jalen. "Speak with him all you want, but none of you are to enter my cottage until the woman wakes. She's been through something horrible, and I don't intend to upset her with visitors." Rhys said. "But Rhys, I want to know if that is my friend that disappeared nearly a week ago." Dax almost let out his frustration on Rhys. "No, captain. You can wait with the elf for the woman to wake. She is under the protection of the Lily Cove Guild, and I as a guild master command you to leave her be." Rhys said, slamming the door behind her. "Stupid men," she muttered.

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