Dashing to Dax

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"A date. You want to take me on a date?" Aura asked with her jaw almost falling to the floor. Had the Alpha gone insane, or did he just not understand her objections? "Yes, I do. Aura, this is not a hard decision. You get to be the one that checks on the wolf hunters while I keep your work going for you." Alpha Enoch smiled, knowing she had no choice, but to accept his offer. Aura considered his words. Does Enoch have feelings for her? Is it more than just attraction? Aura had no desire to explore his feelings. Her heart was already in trouble as it is because of Dax. Her heart responded with a flutter at the thought of Dax. She did the best to keep her feelings from surfacing, so Enoch didn't catch on. Aura needed to focus on checking on Jalen, Karis, and any other shifters there. She could do so much if chooses to go on a date with Enoch. "One date, Alpha. I will go on just one." Enoch grinned, happily. Aura agreed to his proposal, and he was going to have a chance to seriously get her attention. He knows that she has been thinking about the human, but he has plans to make sure she will be focused on him instead. The human was only a distraction. She just doesn't know that yet. "If you have fun, then you have to go on a second date." "I will consider it, Alpha. You have a deal." Aura said with a slight eye roll. She was only doing this for her friends, and maybe there was a bright side. Enoch got up from his chair at the table and walked over to Aura. He gently placed his hand on her face, so he could turn her to look at him. Her gaze was filled with hesitation toward him. Enoch wished she would just relax, but he could see she would need convincing. Aura knew not to move or fight him, or she would not be able to leave tomorrow. Enoch closed the space between them and aggressively kissed her lips. He could still taste the deer that Aura had hunted earlier on her lips. His hands slid into her knotted hair to bring her closer. After a minute of Enoch's kissing, Aura broke their kiss. She wanted to smack Enoch across the face for invading her space again. "Enoch, I am going to kindly ask you not to kiss or grab me again without asking." Her tone was firm and respectful as she pushed herself out of the chair. Enoch watched her, speechless. She was done with Enoch's antics for today. "I will see you when I return, Alpha." She said leaving him in the main chamber of the grand hall alone. Aura went home and cleaned off the day's frustrations in the shower. She wasn't sure why Enoch felt the need to invade her lips after each mission report. Alphas were supposed to protect their people and make them feel safe, not feast on their top huntress' lips. Aura shook the thoughts out of her mind. She was going to have to prepare to leave as soon as possible. Three hours later… Aura couldn't wait for dawn to leave her village. After checking on Raika at the hospital, Aura was restless wondering if Jalen was all right. She didn't want to wait, so she packed her gear and left. As she neared the Hailia Mountains, Aura began to wonder if something else was pulling toward the plagued villages. An image of Dax flashed through her mind, making Aura smile. Her feelings were growing for Dax though every fiber of her being was warning her of the complications. She still didn't know if his group of knights hunted beast shifters. If Dax did hunt beast shifters, then Aura's forbidden crush was even more tragic. Aura reached the cave that exits her valley into the outside lands. She quickly transformed into her silver wolf form and shook her fur-free. Her golden eyes reflected both of the moons' light. She looked up at the crescent moons and thousands of bright stars to say a silent prayer to her God to guide her on this mission. It's not often that she feels the need to pray, but given her current circumstances with Dax and Enoch, she could use some guidance. Aura checked over her pack that was belted to her body and raced into the cave. The next morning… Aura forgot how long it would take her to reach a village even at her top speed. The Hailia Mountains were far behind her as the sun replaced the moons above her. Dawn had come, and Aura would have to stay hidden in the forests to avoid unwelcome pursuers. It's been three centuries since the last war against beast shifters, but no elf, dwarf, orc, ogre, or human would openly accept a beast shifter into their village or kingdom. The last war-painted the beast shifters as wildly overpowered creatures that could destroy a town within a day. However, the whole story of a beast shifter destroying a village was only half true. A hybrid, half-beast shifter, half dark elf, went on a rampage destroying several small towns in the west, causing a war. Everyone focused on the beast shifter part and the hunting and belittling of the beast shifters. The war ended with only small pockets of beast shifters left around the entire continent of Lunaris, which is why the valley must be protected. Aura pulled herself out of her inner thoughts and focused on her surroundings. She examined the road heading to the Village of Lilies. No one seemed to be around, so Aura climbed into a large bush to shift back into her human disguise. Her body stood upright as her face flattened and her tail receded into her spine. Her skin felt the pricks of the branches, irritating her body. She rumbled around in the bush as she dressed. The bush bounced up and down as she slid on her pants, and wiggled the bush left and right as she struggled to put her shirt on. She pulled out her boots to put them on. The bush rocked and rolled until the trunk of the bush snapped, taking Aura and her boots for a roll. Aura jumped out of the broken bush, cursing in as many languages as could think of while slipping on her boots. She stood up and walked toward the Village of Lilies. She braids her hair as she walked on the path. Everything was quiet in the village. No kids playing or shopkeepers haggling with customers. The street corners were bare and the windows of buildings shut tight. Aura was surrounded by empty streets and a whole lot of nothing. "Maybe, the plague has already conquered this village. Does that mean I am too late to help anyone?" Aura spoke aloud to herself. "Fear not, Miss." A child said, walking up to Aura. "I will take you to the Knights of the Land's shelter. You should be able to help there." The child smiled at her and brought her to the biggest building in the village. Around the building, she could see people helping each other to eat and keep busy. No one spoke, but the sounds of work and groans filled the air. Aura followed the child in the building. There were many knights helping villagers to walk about and eat. Suddenly a familiar, warm voice filled the walk in the lobby. She looked around for the owner of the voice. Aura walked around to listen to the voice. She heard the voice behind her.  Aura turned and Dax spoke with volunteers. Before she could stop herself, Aura dashed to Dax. Aura wondered what luck had been bestowed on her. Dax looked up to see the wild woman from the valley coming straight at him. His jaw dropped open to see Aura outside of the valley.
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