Chapter 14

1641 Words

Tyler Days turn into a week and then nearly into two. I’m running out of things to tell the kids. I’m running out of things to tell the cops. I’ve been as cooperative as I can. Overly cooperative, because clearly, I’m suspect number one. It’s always the husband. Isn’t that what they say? It’s always the husband.It wears on me to be under constant suspicion. I’ve tried to be as patient as I can with Hailey’s parents, even allowing her mother to camp out in our home. It’s hard to refuse the help on account of the kids. I still have a job, even if I seem to make it in only half the time, and maybe not even that often. Even when I’m at work, I’m only doing menial tasks because I can’t focus or concentrate. Everyone is understanding. Everyone but me. Needless to say, my wife’s disappearance

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