Chapter 10

1359 Words

Tyler Jeannie steps right into “tornado mode,” which is what Hailey always said her mother did, whether her assistance was warranted or not. In truth, this is where my wife gets her assertiveness and her work ethic from—not that she’d ever admit it. Jeannie calls the local hospitals, while I call the police. I suggest searching the neighborhood first, speaking with the neighbors, but Jeannie insists that Hailey’s dad canvass the neighborhood. “Are you feeling okay?” Bob asks me. Hailey’s father is known to be the laidback type, and I get the sense he’s not nearly as concerned as he should be. “My wife is missing,” I say. “What do you think?” “Are we sure she’s missing?” “Well, she’s not there, is she?” Jeannie says with exasperation. Bob grumbles something I can’t make out. “Just a

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