Chapter 2

1044 Words
Tristen p.o.v " I was also joking '' she smiled innocently and walked away leaving me jumping on my one foot wincing in pain. Dammit she actually step on my foot so hard , I shake my head and grab my bag from the desk and went downstair, only to Jade putting jam on the bread ." Didn't you have breakfast at home" I ask while getting down. She rolled her eyes " it's not me , it's for you i***t " she put the bread in my mouth while showing me a note sticking on the fridge. Your father and I were getting late for the office . Please make breakfast for yourself before going to school . I crushed the note in my hand and threw it in the dustbin. This is why my parents always put office work in their priority . It's not that I can't make breakfast but I don't even remember when my parents and I sat together and ate dinner or breakfast like a family . " I am your family " Jade put her hand around my shoulder like a buddy and smiled cheekily. " How do you know what I am thinking? " I narrowed my eyes on her. " I am your best friend. I know what you think or want to understand , now have this breakfast fast , I will take out orange juice. " She went to open the fridge and I laughed at her behaviour . " Sometimes you behave like my wife " I told her nonchalantly while sitting on the kitchen counter and I saw her body frozen . " What " she looked at me . " Sorry I shouldn't have said that it's weird " I apologise looking at her expression . She nodded after a second and served me breakfast. I smiled cheekily at her to lighten the mood. " Have you prepared for the test? " she asked, sitting beside me . " Nope " I said carelessly while sipping my orange juice . "Tristen, " she called me sternly . I rolled my eyes " yes mom I did are you happy now " She narrowed her eyes at me " I don't believe you " " You will when I get A+ grade in my test, " I said proudly . " In your dream " she scoffs and I smack her hand . " Challenge, " I told her . " Challenge accepted " she flipped her hair like a drama queen . " Just wait and watch, " he said, getting up and knowing very well that she knew I was bluffing. I have challenged her more than 100 times in this lifetime only to be failed . " Let's go " with that we left his home " Again new car " Jade said as soon as she saw my new car . " Yeah my father gave it to me because he couldn't make time for me. '' I shrugged while she looked at me for a second and a sympathetic look crossed her face because she knew about my parents and how they don't have time for their own son. I was always raised by different nannies but my mother or my father was never there for me . The only family I have now is Jade . Few meters away from High school gate. Jade went down from my car " see you after school" she waved at me and left. It's our daily routine. Nobody knows that Jade is my best friend. Even in school , we always avoid each other because as usual I am the popular guy in school, High school and Jade doesn't want people to count her as my girlfriend so our friendship is secret. I parked my car in the parking lot and went outside to see girls eyeing me . I smirked at them and went to school. Just when I entered I bumped into a girl. I immediately grabbed her waist to prevent her from falling. Her big eyes stared at me angrily. JENNIFER ....... She looks so beautiful... my heart started beating fast. I was sweating. She makes herself stand. And raised her eyebrow questionly but I just stared at her . This is the girl who stole my heart and I wanted to be my girlfriend but she was dating someone else. My friends suggested that I scare that guy away but I couldn't do that. I am not that type of guy who forces a girl to stay with me . "Are you blind??? "She said, crossing her both arms around her chest. "N-no" damn why I am stammering. I cursed myself. "So watch while you move your leg forward ". She said firmly and left from there. Did I make her angry I thought. " Woah finally she made it to your arm " my friends jumped on my back and surrounded me . " It's not , we accidentally bump into each other " I went to my locker . " It's good because finally it's your turn, " one of my friends said . I narrowed my eyes in confusion " what do you mean " " You don't know " he asked and suddenly I started to feel annoyed . " No I don't " I said, getting irritated. " Jennifer broke up with that loser, " he said, making my eyes widen. " She did, " I asked for confirmation . " Yes she did, now don't waste time dude " he high five me and I smiled thinking about my chance with Jennifer for the first time. I went to attend my lecture. And 'casual' all girls sit around me. But the one girl I want to sit was Jennifer . I turned my back to see Jade sitting at the last table in the corner writing something nerd. I thought and search for Jennifer but she wasn't hear. But where is she??? I scanned the whole class but she was not there then. I walk from the class in search of Jennifer. Then I saw her in the canteen so I went there to talk to her. -------------------------------------------
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