19 - Shopping with the girls

1289 Words

Gianna “I thought maybe we could go shopping.” I stare at Harper for a moment. Harper is a beautiful woman with long brown hair and big brown eyes. Her smile is bright, and her tanned skin always shines. From the moment I met Harper, she’s been friendly. She’s also a stern woman when it comes to training. She won’t take it easy on me, even for a moment. Not that I want Harper to take things easy; I enjoy showing my worth. Harper is an intelligent woman, but suggesting so much as leaving the packhouse will end in a beating for me. Lorcan has repeatedly warned me what he’ll do to me if I leave the packhouse grounds. He’ll do much worse than the night he almost killed me. Surely Harper knows that Lorcan would lose his shi.t if I left, even for shopping? “You must be joking?” “Why woul

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