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Lorcan I take a deep breath before rushing to my room. There’s no way I’m going to see Gianna while I smell like another woman. She doesn’t deserve that. ‘She didn’t deserve anything you did to her, but you still did it.’ I ignore Valsurus and push my way into the bedroom. It’s already been cleaned, and I’ll have to thank Josh for that. He must have known I’d completely lose my shi.t if I saw Gianna’s blood anywhere. After a quick shower and changing into black jeans and a T-shirt, I make my way to the infirmary. I run my fingers through my long hair and tie it in a man-bun at the back of my head as I walk, ignoring the curious faces of pack staff. “Kale!” I yell his name as I walk through the infirmary doors. He looks up from whatever paperwork he is looking at and walks around the

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