Kill him, Blaze!

2298 Words
Blaze The motherfuc.ker in front of me lets go of the girl and turns to face me. He’s not as tall as I am, but he wouldn’t be because he’s a mangy Wolf, nor is he anywhere near as built. But then, not many people look the way I do. I walked into Cathy’s Diner after chasing the most alluring scent all around town, and I saw face doing something he shouldn’t be. I finally found her, my little mate. But seeing this cu.nt up in her face has my heart racing in a way it shouldn’t! My Lycan wants out, and he wants this pri.cks blood! ‘Kill him, Blaze!’ ‘Calm down, Ace. I’ll deal with this.’ “What’s it got to do with you?” “Huh,” I scratch my jaw with my thumbnail while stepping closer. He doesn’t see my fist flying at his face, but he sure as felt it as he hit the floor. I lean over him. “You know who I am, yet you dare speak to me like that?” “I’m sorry, Prince Blaze.” He mumbles, eyes wide and scared as he lowers his head in submission. “I’ll ask you one more time. What were you doing?” “She’s nothing, just a half-breed. Half of what animal? No one has a clue. For Goddess's sake, she’s half-human!” Half human, interesting. “ knows what her brat is,” My eyes widen, and I have to grit my teeth to stop myself from smashing his face in! ‘Smash it in!’ ‘Wait, Ace.’ ‘He said our mate is half human. Why didn’t we sense it, Blaze?’ ‘I don’t know, but we’ll find out from her in a few minutes.’ ‘She has a child, Blaze, our pup.’ ‘He’s not ours, Ace; he’s too young.’ The child looks around two years of age, possibly three.’ ‘If he’s three, that would make him ours!’ ‘Shut up, Ace!’ I turn my head slightly to see the little boy now in his mother’s arms, watching me with tears running down his face., I must have scared him! ‘I can’t, Blaze. The child, he is ours,’ Ace whimpers inside my head. ‘Ace, don’t with me!’ ‘He’s our son, Blaze. His scent, it’s kin, he’s our son.’ I look at the little boy even closer, and I see it, and it hits me full force. My world just became very fu.cking small. I have a son, and I knew nothing about him. I don’t have anyone to blame but myself for missing out on his life. All I know is I won’t be missing out on any more of it. I look at face again and sneer. “You speak about my mate and child that way again, and I’ll gut you like a damn fish!” “Y-your mate a-and child?” I yank the bas.tard to his feet by his shirt front. “Apologize to my mate and child.” He looks at my beauty, looking at me with wide eyes and a slack jaw. She’s shocked, but I know she feels what I’m feeling right now. “I’m sorry.” “I don’t want your sorry,” Her voice is filled with emotion as she looks around the diner. All eyes are on us; every person scared of what I’ll do. “I don’t want anyone’s sorry. You all look down on me and my son because I’m half-human. I didn’t ask to be born, and I didn’t ask to be treated like nothing by every damn person in this pack. “It’s one thing to say what you do to me, but my son is innocent. I won’t put up with this verbal abuse of a three-year-old child any longer. I don’t care what you think of me, but leave my son alone!” With that, she gets out of her seat, her son in her arms, and walks away from me. My heart hammers in my chest. I want to go after her, but first, I need words with these fuc.king as.sholes. I look around the diner. “If I find out what she just said is true, you’ll all wish you’d never been born!” I push fu.cker away from me with so much force he flies through the air. I don’t give a, I have a mate to catch up with! She’s halfway down Main Street before I’m close enough to call out to her. “Wait!” I didn’t mean to yell, but what’s done is done. Instantly, my mate stops walking and turns to face me. Tears are falling from those beautiful midnight eyes, breaking my heart. Our son is clinging to her neck, face tucked and hiding from me. “Please,” She whispers, and my heart breaks further as I look at her. She’s so beaten down, and I hate myself for ever thinking I couldn’t take her home. “I’m not here to hurt you.” “Then what are you here for, Blaze? You walked away from me like I was nothing. I didn’t know where to find you...” Rain blows out a shuddering breath, and I feel like a! I tip my head at the child. “Is he okay? I didn’t mean to scare him; I didn’t even see him there until that idi.ot pointed it out.” My mate kisses our son’s head while rubbing his back. The love flowing from her to the boy is immense. I can tell she’s a wonderful mother, and our little boy is well taken care of, even if his mother looks beyond exhausted. “He’ll be okay. I know what you want, but please don’t take him from me. I didn’t mean to keep him from you, but I didn’t know how to find you. I’m a good mom; I promise he always comes first. I know I don’t have much, but this little boy is everything to me.” I furrow my brow a little, then widen my eyes. “I’m not here to take him from you. I would never do that.” “Okay,” Rain whispers while leaning her head against her sons for a moment. “Okay. Well, I need to sort my baby out first. Let me take my son home; then I can meet you and get this rejection out of the way. I don’t want my son to witness that.” “What?” I narrow my eyes. “You want to reject me?” ‘Don’t let her do it, Blaze! I don’t care that she’s half human; she’s special, and so is our pup.’ Ace begs inside my head. ‘Don’t worry, Ace, she isn’t going anywhere.’ “I thought that’s what you wanted?” “Why would you think that?” “Because you walked away from me that night. You never looked back, even though you knew I was your mate. I thought you didn’t want me because of what I am.” She gulps back a sob and kisses our son’s head again. How beaten down have people made my mate feel? “I know what I did was stupid, but I had to fix things with the Lycan King before I could come for you. I hadn’t meant to stay away so long, but things happened...” “I don’t want your excuses, Blaze. The fact is you did walk away from me, and you can’t just expect to walk back into my life as if you did nothing wrong. Why the hell would you think that was okay? What makes you think I’d believe anything other than rejection is coming?” I take a deep breath. “What kind of people have you been around to think your mate would reject you?” “Rejection is all I’ve ever known. When you walked away from me, in effect, you rejected me. You might not have verbalized it, but it meant the same. You have no idea how much pain I was in for weeks afterward. I almost lost my baby because I couldn’t stand the pain. But then my son came along, and I had something to live for. “But it’s not easy being here when everyone in this place hates the sight of me, and I can’t go anywhere without someone saying something vile to me. I don’t care what people say about me or to me, I’m a grown woman, and I can handle it, but I won’t have anyone hurting my son.” “Our son.” And I’m going to kill every motherfu.cker who ever hurt him! “I know, our son. I won’t stop you from getting to know him if that’s what you want.” “I do want. What’s his name?” “Mark.” “Mark.” I smile because it suits him. “Mark is everything to me. Regardless of how you walked away from me, this baby is my life; he’s all I have. I didn’t keep him from you deliberately.” “I know that, Rain. I don’t blame you because it’s all on me. I’m not angry with you about this, and I truly am sorry.” She nods as if thanking me for what I said. She doesn’t need to thank me for anything. “I can’t take this place anymore; everyone looks down on my little boy because he didn’t have a father, and it hurts so much. He’s just a little boy.” My gut drops, and I swear I’m going to kill someone! Oh, and I’ll make sure every fu.cker in this town knows just what will happen if they say one more word against my mate and child. “I will not reject you, Rain.” “But I thought that’s why you came back, Blaze, to finally reject me.” I shake my head, step closer, and cup her cheek in one hand while stroking my son’s head with the other. Little man looks at me and smiles, and I smile back because he’s damn cute. I can’t believe I’m a father, and I’ve already missed out on so much of his life. Well, no more. “I know life hasn’t been kind to you, Rain; I can feel it flowing from you. I also know from the little you’ve said that pack members have been...” I breathe deeply through my nose because I’m angry with Alpha Samuels. He’s the dammed Alpha and has been for many years, yet he didn’t know what was happening right under his nose. I’ll be having words with him soon. “You are so beautiful,” Rain blinks as though she were shocked. “I know we don’t know much about each other yet, and I have so much groveling and explaining to do. But I will make it up to you, Rain. It was never about you, it was me, and I am so sorry. I want to get to know you. I will be here for a few days before I have to leave.” “Leave?” “Yes. I’m the Gamma to the Royal Pack and the Lycan King, and I have to be in Lykos with him.” “What? Why didn’t you tell me that when we met?” “It didn’t come up, just like me being the King’s cousin didn’t.” Rain gaps. “You’re a prince?” “Yes, meaning Mark is too.” “Oh, Goddess. Way to throw it at me, Blaze.” “I’m sorry. We have a lot to talk about, and we will soon. I’ll tell you everything you want to know. If you accept me, I’ll take you back to Lykos with me. I know you have a lot to think about, and you’ve had enough for one day. So why don’t I walk you home, and you can sleep on it?” “Am I dreaming?” I kiss Rain’s forehead before pressing mine to hers. “You’re not dreaming, and I can already feel the bond forming. I want you to be mine, Rain. Please just think about it.” “What about Mark?” I chuckle. “Baby, Mark is my child as much as he is yours. Of course, he’s coming with us, and he will want for nothing. If you accept me and come back to my pack, you’ll be the Gamma female. Mark will love Lykos, he has cousins to play with, and no one there will ever hurt him. You’ll be safe there, that I promise you.” Rain nods her head against mine. “Okay, I’ll think about it, but I’m not going to make any promises. I don’t know if I can forgive you like that, Blaze. I can’t just jump into a relationship with you because you apologized. I need time, Blaze.” “I understand.” I want to shake her, kiss the shi.t out of her, and drag her back to Lykos with me. But I won’t because she’s right. “I need to get Mark home now.” “Come, I’ll walk you home.” I take Rain’s hand in mine, and the sparks are out of this world. My hope now is that Rain says yes. I’ll give her time, just not too much, because a Lycan doesn’t do well without his mate, Thane was right about that, and I have spent long enough without her. I’ve spent three years trying not to lose my mind without my mate. But I guess a little while longer won’t make any difference.
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