
1592 Words
Blaze “Why are we staying at the hotel if the Alpha invited us to stay at the packhouse?” I riffle through my bag and pull out everything I need for a shower. I won’t meet my mate wearing the same clothes I traveled here in. I’m sweating, and I need to wash that off me. Goddess, a decent deodorant would be nice, one that didn’t wear off too soon. But my moronic brother packed the wrong in my bag! A trip to a store will be needed, and soon. I knew I should have checked my bag before I got in that damn car. “You know I don’t like staying in the homes of others, Blaine. Even staying with family bothers me.” “Because you’re weird, Blaze. Goddess, I can’t believe you asked for a room that had recently been refurbished and had no one stay in it before you. A bed that’s never been slept in? Really, Blaze?” I’m not weird; I just don’t like sleeping on a mattress that someone else has been on before me. The very idea that people could have had s*x in that bed, sweating and dripping, Goddess only knows what onto it. no! A human once told me I had OCD. I didn’t have a clue what that was, but after explaining the information to me, I realized that if I were human, then I would have OCD. Lycans don’t suffer from human illnesses, especially not mental ones. But I guess in some way we must do. “Get a life, Blaine, and stop being so obsessed with mine.” “As.shole!” He shouts as I slam the bathroom door in his face. Greg said I would find Rain at her place of work, a coffee shop in town. Apparently, she has worked there for a few months. Greg isn’t aware of Rain’s working hours, but the man doesn’t know much about Rain as an adult at all. What kind of Alpha doesn’t know his pack members? Okay, not even Thane knows everything about every person in Lykos. He doesn’t know much about the Lycans’ and Werewolves’ private lives. However, Thane knows the important stuff about every person he rules over. The only thing Greg knows about adult Rain is where she works. He only knows that because his daughter told him. It’s pathetic that Rain worked in the packhouse a few years ago as a cleaner. But Greg couldn’t tell me one thing about my mate during that time. After my shower, I’ll go to that coffee shop and find Rain. Goddess, I hope she will give me the chance to talk to her and apologize. I know it won’t be easy. I don’t expect Rain to run into my arms and ride off into the sunset with me. That would be amazing, but I know I’ve got my work cut out for me and only a week in which to do it. ‘Then you best hope you’re good at apologizing, Blaze. Because if you fuc.k this up, I’ll rip your dic.k off!’ “Id.iot! Look, I’ll get on my knees if I have to, Ace. But I won’t leave until Rain at least hears me out.’ ‘I know, I’m sorry. I’m just on edge, and I so want this to go well. It’s not going to be easy, Blaze. Rain will be angry with you for leaving, which would be understandable. She’ll push you away, but please don’t give up on her.’ ‘I won’t give up on Rain, Ace. I made a terrible mistake because I was worried about what Thane would think. It was stupid, and I should have grown a damn backbone and talked to Thane the moment I realized Rain was my mate. I didn’t, and I can’t take it back. I can’t change the past, but I can promise a good future. I am prepared to do whatever it takes to get Rain to forgive me, Ace.’ ‘You do that.’ Once I’m showered and changed into my dark blue suit, minus the jacket, teeth brushes, hair gelled back, and cologne spayed, I step out of the bathroom. “Well, look at you!” Blaine whistles, and I roll my eyes while grabbing my suit jacket from the bed. “Dressed to kill! No woman could resist you looking like that, Brother.” I roll my eyes. “You know, it wouldn’t hurt if you dressed like; the Prince you are instead of a street urchin.” Blaine laughs loudly. “A street urchin? The, Blaze? You sound like Grandma Lucy.” Lucy is British and says things most Americans never would. Blaine isn’t dressed like an urchin. But jeans are so scruffy. Yes, I’m a snob, so sho.ot me! The coffee shop is within walking distance of the hotel, so taking the car is unnecessary. Walking toward the cafe, I shake my head at Blaine. Every woman he sees, he shoots them a wink. Blaine believes himself to be the Goddess’s gift to women. The problem is women seem to fall at my brother’s feet. He charms the ladies into bed, and they all love him for it. I lost count of how many conquests Blaine has gone through over the years. There are just too many to count. Thank Fenrir Lycans can’t catch se.xually transmitted infections or Blaine would be riddled. I don’t even want to imagine that. “Do you have to act like a male all the damn time?” “Yes, yes, I do.” “Ugh!” “What can I say? You’ve either got it, or you don’t. I mean, you’re a good-looking guy, Blaze. You are a powerhouse, big-built and strong. But you’re not me.” I roll my eyes again when Blaine shrugs. “You look like me, id.iot.” “Yeah, but you don’t have my charm and charisma.” Oh, for the love of...!! We arrive at the coffee shop. It’s clean and fancy looking. It’s a bit much for a coffee shop, but whatever. I turn to Blaine. “Keep your mouth shut while we’re here, Blaine. I don’t want you saying anything to embarrass me or upset Rain.” “Ugh!” He whines. “You know I can’t keep my mouth shut. Things just fall out of me like lava. Why don’t I look around town while you speak to your mate? I could meet you back at the hotel in a couple of hours.” “You mean, go find some poor woman to talk into bed?” “That too. Please?” He presses his hands together in prayer. For fu. ck’s sake! ‘Let him go, Blaze. If he stays with us, he’ll only say something that will annoy you or worse – Rain.’ Ace has a point. “Fine, go. But do not cause any trouble, Blaine. We’re guests here, and Thane will string you up if Greg reports back to him.” “I won’t.” “I mean it.” “I won’t!” Id.iot winks at me and jogs away. Some poor girl will be horizontal before the hour is out. He would never force a woman; he could talk them into bed easily enough. It’s afterward, when they try clinging to him is the problem. Whatever, Blaine and what he does is not my problem. The bell above the door dings when I enter the coffee shop. The aroma of coffee and pastries assaults my nose, and not in a pleasant way. The handful of customers sitting at various tables gawk at me. It’s nothing new, but it’s annoying nonetheless. I ignore them because I don’t have the energy to care. The woman behind the counter gives me a flirty look, and I inwardly roll my eyes. ‘She’s got no chance.’ Ace growls inside my head. ‘Of course, she doesn’t, Ace. I’m not interested in any woman but Rain. I thought you knew that as I hadn’t touched one since Rain.’ ‘Touche.’ “What can I get you, handsome?” I narrow my eyes and release my Royal aura. Everyone knows who I am, and if this woman didn’t, she does now. She gasps and bows her head. “My Prince,” “I’m here looking for someone. I am not here to listen to you flirting with a man so far out of your league they know it in China! Speak to me with respect and not like a wonton, is that understood?” “Y-yes, Prince Blaze.” The redhead nods. The people in the room all have their heads bowed, and I smirk to myself—inconsequential fools. “Now, I’m looking for someone who works here – a woman. Her name is Rain.” “Rain? Eww, what do you want with that...” “Silence!” I bellow loud enough to shake the foundations. “Who are you to question me?” “I’m sorry.” “You will be! I want to know where Rain is and now!” “I-I don’t know, Sire.” “Prince Blaze?” I turn my head—a young woman around the age of sixteen stares back at me. “Rain should still be in town right now. If you hurry, you might catch her before she goes home.” I tip my head in thanks and leave without a word. I’m coming for you, little mate.
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