If he wakes up

2776 Words

Blaze I pace the infirmary waiting room, biting the pad of my thumb. My family all sit in the allocated seats, all waiting for news from the Doctor about Ben. Some spinless motherfuc.kers attacked my little brother and left him for dead! I will find out who did this to Ben, and I will make them pay in the worst way. If Tyler hadn’t found Ben when he did, my baby brother would already be gone. According to Tyler, he was patrolling the northern border when he spotted a bundle slumped half in and half out of the stream. Tyler went to investigate and realized it was a body. Ben’s battered face looked back at him when he turned the body over. Tyler picked him up and rushed him to the castle’s infirmary, then called Thane, who called for the rest of the family. None of us have been able to s

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