Why are we at the packhouse?

1713 Words

Blaze I’ve never been so angry in my life the way I was to find that cu.nt from yesterday in Rain’s house. I heard what the bast.ard said as I walked to the door. I didn’t have time to inform the two warriors with me to wait; I had to stop that piece of crap attacking my mate. I should have ended him yesterday! Having Mark jump into my arms spoke volumes about how he already trusted me. Then to have Rain sob in my arms; I’ve never felt such emotional pain before. It hurt having my mate and child break in my arms. As Greg’s warriors took Miles into custody, I locked up Rain’s house, then led her and Mark to my car. I borrowed a car seat from Dean, Greg’s brother, and secured Mark in the back seat. Rain entered the passenger seat, and I drove us toward the packhouse where my brother would

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