Favorite pastime

1940 Words

Rain “But, Mommy,” Mark sniffs as I crouch down in front of him. “What if nobody likes me? I don’t want to go to Nursey. Please let me stay with you, Mommy. I will be good, and I will help you clean.” “Oh, Mark.” It hurts so much when my son cries. It’s not a naughty tantrum cry; it’s a sad, heartbroken cry. I swallow back my emotions and will the tears not to fall. I can’t be the only woman in the world who feels like this when their child cries and begs. I can’t be the only woman who wants to give in and take their child home. I want to hold my baby and tell him that everything is okay and he’s safe with his mommy. “Please, Mommy?” “Mark?” Blaze gets to his haunches beside me, and Mark looks at his father. “I know you’re nervous about being here. But you have to go to school.” Mark

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