5 - Strange Man

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Today she was going to attend the graduation party of her class. Because the organizer was one of the richest people in the class, the venue was chosen to be a very high-end local bar. Yana looked at her clothes and chose a black one-shoulder midi skirt that would not go wrong. Then she put on her shoes, tidied her hair and went out. Yana took the subway to the door of the bar before she was late. She saw two classmates outside from a distance and had not entered yet. She breathed a sigh of relief and ran over quickly. "Yana, don't run, walk slowly. The high heels are so high. What if you sprain your ankle?" Robert, who was in the same class, stood at the door of the bar and looked at her worriedly. His eyes were so eager. Wendy, who was next to Robert, rolled her eyes at him and said to Yana, "Go in quickly if you come. Everyone is inside." Yana nodded and went in with Wendy and Robert. Robert was the rich man who paid for the party today. He was a typical second-generation rich man. His family was in real estate and he was a native of New York, so no one objected to him being the host. The environment of the bar was very good. It was worthy of being the most popular place for money-making in Manhattan. Yana followed Robert and looked at the bright lights and feasting around her. She felt a little unsure. The waiters and guests passing by Yana all looked back at her at the same time. Their eyes were frivolous and naked, and they almost asked, "Beautiful lady, do you want a date?" Yana really wanted to smash a stone with "No date" written on it on their faces. These stinky men only knew how to stare at women's breasts and legs. When will they improve? The closer they got to the bar, the louder the music became. When they arrived at the agreed position and saw all the classmates, Yana found that they were sitting very close to the dance floor, which was a bit messy. "Robert, don't we find a private room or something?" Yana couldn't help asking Robert. Robert said in embarrassment, "I thought so too, but everyone said it was lively and there was atmosphere..." Yana nodded, which was considered as tacit agreement with everyone. She was an insignificant person, so she should not find fault with them. Yana's seat was a little far back, almost next to the people dancing on the dance floor. She wanted to squeeze in, but none of the girls inside were willing to give her a seat, so she had to sit there. This is probably a common problem among women. Pretty girls are pleasing to the eye, but being too pretty is a bit of a turn-on, especially when Yana is so pretty, with an indescribable charm in every move. Usually Yana looked like a nerd, with a low sense of presence, wearing a pair of black-framed glasses. I didn't expect that she would look so beautiful without wearing glasses today and dressing up. When she was in school, Yana didn't have many friends. The only one she played well with was Wendy. She was used to being excluded. After everyone arrived, everyone started drinking, and after a while they were all planning to go dancing. Yana resisted for a while, but was still pulled into the crowd by Robert. Everyone was dancing to the music, and Yana standing there doing nothing seemed too special. So she had to sway her body with everyone, with a very slight amplitude, which was out of tune with the surroundings. Several girls in the same class looked at her and whispered to each other. They were saying something unpleasant to her, but they started laughing and looked at her with a bit of contempt. Amid the noisy music, Yana could hear words like "poor" and "country bumpkin". Although she was used to being excluded by everyone, such words still made her feel helpless, so she turned around and left. But as soon as she stood up, she felt someone touching her buttocks. She was shocked and quickly looked back. She saw a tall man in a suit and leather shoes slowly walking out. The bar was very noisy. When Robert found Yana missing and chased her out of the bar, he found a text message on his phone. He looked at Yana's farewell on the screen, feeling very disappointed and no longer interested in playing. The troubles of a rich young man are always different from those of a poor man like Yana. For so many years, she has never thought about love affairs. The only thing she cares about is how to make more money to support her life and repay her tuition loans. Fortunately, Carter, Parker & Adams LLP accepted him last week, and he will start his internship journey tomorrow. Carter, Parker & Adams LLP is a top law firm in Manhattan. One of the partners of the firm is from the most prestigious Adams lawyer family in New York. Carter, Parker & Adams LLP is located in an office building in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, which is a tall investment bank building. It occupies a whole floor of the 32nd floor, which shows its large scale.
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