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Watching my husband get pulled out of a fancy restaurant in handcuffs gave me a small sigh of relief. I still can't believe I was married to a pedo*hile. I gave the restaurant owner an envelope filled with the cash he would have made this evening and My lawyers escorted me out. "I'll keep you filled in Ms. Mary otherwise I'll see you tomorrow morning when they bring Derrick to court. I nodded my head and stepped into a cab. Getting to my apartment I realized I didn't want to live here anymore. This was where I was supposed to share a life with my baby and my husband and now, I'm going to be a single mom. I decided it was time for a change. I started by packing up derrick stuff that was all going to be dropped off at his mother’s house. I'd schedule movers to take his stuff there by the weekend. I needed to clear my head before doing anything. I changed into my running gear. It was still warm out being July. I ran through the same streets I always did. I listened to Eminem this time through my ear buds. I looked both ways before crossing the street but never heard the car speeding around the corner. I was halfway when I was hit. I flipped over the hood and roof of the car landing on the road. I was in a lot of pain. I tried reaching for my phone to call for an ambulance when a man with Black hair, Icy blue eyes stood over me. He checked my pulse in my neck and checked my breathing. I heard him ask if I was alright, but I couldn't respond. He called 911 and told them what happened. I heard the sirens before I passed out. Liam POV I'd been watching her for weeks; she never noticed me in college always busy going from class to class. The day I was going to say Hi she met Derrick. I kept my distance she gave him her brightest smile and they walked away talking eventually him asking her out on a date. I walked away defeated. I let her go and be happy. Well, that was until about 6 months ago. I have been working as a hitman for the mob. A file flitted across my desk with you guessed it Derrick Shepard's name and picture. Apparently, Derrick here was cheating on my sweet, beautiful Mary who the Don's daughter. I started following her making sure she was safe while gathering intel on him. I followed her on her normal runs and even to the gym where I would work out. I bumped into her walking to a machine and borrowed her wallet. Inside was a sonogram picture. She was pregnant with that bast*rds baby. I saw her work Id and driver’s license. I took photos of everything in her wallet and made sure it was all put back where she had placed them. I stopped her before she left to give her back her wallet claiming it was near some machine. She thanked me and then asked for my name with a small smile. The day I had planned on taking him out was the day Mary came home early from work. I knew today was her birthday. I figured it would be a great birthday gift by getting rid of her useless cheating husband. She was drenched from having the T hit that puddle, she was still gorgeous. Her long curly red hair, and the way her hips swayed while she walked in those heals, she could make any man go hard. I watched through my binoculars as I watched her walk from room to room following the clothing trail. She had her phone out, she must have been taking pictures. She's smart. I like smart women. She looked defeated as she changed into the clothes she had in the bathroom. She put on these little jean shorts that came to just under the curve of her voluptuous a*s. and a black sports bra and an oversize tank top. I wanted to have her wrap those long legs around my waist while I kissed her up against a wall. I craved to touch those thick juicy lips and take her as my own. I need to play this right. I watched as she planned out her divorce. She went to every major divorce lawyer in the city. She was planning on taking him for everything. Good for her. The night she served him the evidence and divorce papers she had her Lawyer play a waiter and Boston’s finest hanging out in the kitchen. She played innocent until he was served the papers and right after that was when he was arrested. I would get my chance to kill him during one of the many trips the jail would bring him to court. She got home and it was 11 at night. I watched as she went in. thinking I'd go home to relax and maybe rub one out thinking about her. As I started to walk away, I spotted her running. I followed behind at a safe distance playing it off like I was going for a run too. The fact she never noticed me following her just means I'm good at my job. She stopped at a side road and looked both ways. She didn’t hear the car coming. I tried yelling her name to get her to come back. But that’s when the car hit her and took off. I took a photo of the car and license plate. I ran over to check on her. Her arms were in a funky position and leg left foot was turned around. She had some blood coming out from underneath her. I checked her pulse, and it was still strong. I called the police and Ambulance. "Mary keep your eyes open. Don't close your eyes. Help is coming." I heard the sirens, she started to close her eyes. "No Baby, keep your eyes open." She looked at me with her gorgeous light green eyes. "Mary, Baby, keep your eyes on me ok, help is coming." I brushed her hair away from her beautiful face. The police showed up first. I told them how my cousin and I were out for a run, and she was running faster than me she had her headphones in, so she didn't hear me yelling or the car coming. I gave them the information on the car that hit her. They called in a BOLO on the car. turns out the guy crashed his car 2 blocks from here and was already in police custody and they would be adding the hit and run charge. The EMT’s got a neck brace on her and then strapped to the gurney and wheeled into the ambulance. They allowed me to go with her since I'm a relative. I texted her Lawyers on her phone letting them know what happened. We arrived at Mass General they handed me some paperwork to fill out while they took her into the emergency room and started getting her checked out. I knew everything about her from knowing her blood type and what she was allergic to, to her insurance numbers and mother’s maiden name. I did my complete research on her. "Mr. Stone here are Ms. Norths personal effects." Thanks here's her paperwork." "Did you want to go see her? She's awake and will be going in for surgery soon." "Yea I would." The nurse leads me into the back and to her curtained off area. "Hey, Mary, how are you?" she gave me a confused look "I'm good are you here to like have me fill out paperwork or something?" "Mary it's me Liam. We went out for a run when you got hit by that car." "Oh..." I took a seat next to her and held her hand "How do I know you?" At this point the nurse was gone. "We met at the gym a few weeks ago. You were out for a run this evening while I was on a run, and I saw you get hit by a car. I took a picture of the car and license plate. I called the police and an ambulance. And stayed with you. I also messaged your lawyer he should be here soon." "Thank you, Liam." She raised her right hand and cupped my chin. I grabbed her hand in mine and leaned my face further into her palm. kissing the inside. She gave me a small smile. A few minutes later her Lawyers walked in. I explained what happened and what the doctors were about to do. They both knew who I was based on my reputation but decided to put that aside for the night since I had saved her life, and she didn't seem to remember much. "Mary, do you know today’s date?" "January 14th 2013" "What did you do this morning?" "I stopped by the coffee cart, grabbed a muffin and then I bumped into some guy. He was acting like a pompous jerk. I only agreed to go out with him because he wouldn't take no for an answer. I then went to class and spent the rest of the day avoiding that jerk by hiding out in the library till it was time to go home." "What was the name of the pompous jerk?" "Derrick something like sheepherder or something like that." I remember that day. That was the day I was going to talk to her for the first time, but he banged into her cause her to knock over all her books and spill her coffee. I headed to the class we both shared. She sat in front of me and occasionally I'd get a whiff of her shampoo or her perfume. It was always hard to not want to reach out and touch her or talk to her. "There was a guy I had always hoped would ask me out.... I don't think he ever noticed me." She whispered. "Who?" "He looked a lot like you. he sat behind me in my business class."
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