Someplace Safe-12

1943 Words

None of these things were true. Oliver never had a family. He never tracked down any fugitives, and he never served in the military. In fact, before the Catastrophes, he wrote copy for an online marketing agency. It was the perfect job for him. Minimal meetings. Hours of time alone. He wasn’t antisocial. If any of the people who really knew him heard someone describe him that way, they would have laughed out loud. Oliver? Antisocial? He was one of the funniest people they knew! Loved to hang out, have a few beers. He was pretty smart, but he never rubbed it anyone’s face. He had a small, tight group of friends. He had a dog. No, Oliver was not antisocial. He was not a misanthrope. He was not shy. The reason he was so quiet around Dennis all the time was because he f*****g hated the guy.

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