Chapter 5-2

1074 Words

Laura felt as if she’d come out of the closet. For a month, Johnny Akbar Jepps had been all hers. Suddenly she was surrounded by his friends and teammates. And every single one had to check out and approve of their boss’ choice in women. The chopper pilot, a woman name Jeannie, sat down next to Laura on the cabin’s porch very early on. She didn’t say much, just sat there in the chair Johnny usually occupied. Laura remembered the red streak in her hair from that first meeting at the Doghouse Inn. And when Grayson had gone into the snow, this same helicopter that had delivered the pizza had appeared to save his sorry life. She was obviously a fixture in Johnny’s life, and Laura tried to prepare herself for the upcoming catfight. Laura really needed this day to be over soon. Johnny had dri

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