Chapter 4-11

1452 Words

Laura had never brought anyone here to the cabin; she’d finished building it post-Elgin. She’d certainly never stripped in her bathroom with a man only inches away. Nor ever been so intensely aware of the man in question. She couldn’t stop herself from turning her back as she pulled her shirt off over her head. At his sharp hiss, she looked over her shoulder at him. He was looking down at her waist. His touch was light, but it stung where he slid a fingertip over her skin. He turned her slowly around, looking at her belly, not her sports b*a. She looked down as well. The line above her hip bones was abraded a bright, road-rash red. It took her a moment to figure it out. “The harness. Mr. Jerk was heavy.” “Are you hurt anywhere else?” She flexed her shoulders, which weren’t bad, just

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