Chapter 8

1788 Words
Lylia chewed on her lips as they were driving towards the woods. Why was he taking her there? She didn't dare talk anything because of the way he glared at her when she tried to turn on the radio. He preferred silence and just to irk him she did want to turn on but decided against when he narrowed his eyes at her. Soon the car came to halt and then he turned towards her, "Get down" He said in a gruff voice. Her eyes widened thinking that he would leave her alone in this dangerous woods. The woods were usually used for packs to have competition or simply for wolves to run around. Due to the progress in these past years wolves usually adapted human nature and the culture is vanishing with births of half wolves so the woods were kind of sacred place but it was dangerous as hunters tried to hunt the wolves, the pure breed for experiments. "Are you going to kill me?" She asked without a hint of fear because well she's faster in her wolf form and maybe she can escape from there before he could get to her. He looked at her for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter. "No...I wanted us to have a run. That's all." He said with a grin playing on his lips. The omega glared at him because she thought that it was going to be something grave. She crossed her arms and glared at him. "A run? You must be kidding me." She snorted while shaking her head. The Prince looked at her with his face calm. "I don't think I was joking" He replied in a cold calm tone. She hated how he made her feel without saying anything snarky like she was some i***t who didn't understand anything. "Don't take that tone with me. Because of you, I lost my f*****g job... And I have to pay all my bills" She suddenly said her voice low as the reality of the situation began to sink in once more. She didn't want to think about it naturally because it made her stressed but now that she was talking about it she couldn't forget. He stared at her for a few minutes, unblinking as if it wasn't his fault to which she looked back at him before licking her lips, "It's because of your little act back there... Why did you hit Dylan?" His fist clenched by his sides and she noticed the way his eyes widened and his breathing was erratic, the sound echoing around her ears and causing her to tremble a bit at that. She hated how much she felt affected by his every move. It shouldn't be this way. "Don't utter his name" He gritted while staring at her so she huffed, not even looking at his angry red face because she didn't want to get even more affected than she already was. "He's my friend. And what's your problem anyway?" She asked. "You're not his omega. Don't you get that?" He asked in a mocking tone. The omega felt her insides clench in anger. She rubbed angrily at her nose before giving him a pointed look. "Yeah, and you are not my Alpha either. Don't you get that?" She asked in a sickly sweet voice making him shift closer towards her, till only an inch of space was left in between two of them. He hid his face in the crook of her neck, his cold nose tip brushing against her pulse to which shivers went down her spine. "You are still not allowed to go around coquetrying." He snarled, his head still resting in her neck. The vibrations of his sound brushed against her skin to which she tingled. She fisted her hands at sides while her mouth fell agape at his accusatory tone. He was accusing her of flirting around now. When he was the one doing it, he bought those sleazy omegas with him. "Sure I was the one flirting around" She snickered causing him to move about and grin at her. Lylia was worried that he might have lost his mind because she thought that he would get angry or try to retort with a comment of his own but instead he just stood there.  "Why don't we just call it quits and run around? The first one to reach the brook gets the upper hand in the argument." He mumbled staring at her with his eyes twinkling and she frowned. How was running going to solve the problem? But then again his most thoughts didn't make sense to her at all. She chewed on her lips thinking about it. She knew nothing about him except for his name which she didn't even bother telling Amira so if she dies then how are they going to find her? Maybe it's best to tone it down! She rolled her eyes at her dramatic thoughts and looked back at the brook which was like ten miles away. She can easily outrun him. "Deal. But if I win you don't get to show your annoying face anymore?" She asked trying to not feel how her omega was growling inside her, not at all agreeing to the stupidity but she didn't care. She'll deal with her later. "Aw, I'm hurt you would go to this length" He mocked looking at her and clutching his chest. "Aren't you full of yourself?" She sarcastically asked. The Alpha laughed but she couldn't ignore the way he was staring at her, his eyes were trained on her lips she could feel it but she didn't make any effort to avert her stare. "Oh, thanks. You can be full of me too" He wriggled his eyebrows. The omega stared at him for a few seconds and then wrinkled her nose at his lame humour. But the thought of being full of him was etched in her mind and she could totally imagine them together. She took a deep breath to try to get rid of those thoughts. "Eww, no thanks." She said in a breathy voice trying to show him that she was totally unaffected by his presence. She was sure that he could sense the wavering in her tone but even if he did he didn't pick on it instead shrugged his shoulders. "Ok let's go then" He nodded his head. She turned around to look at the safe place for her to get rid of her clothes. She didn't want to ruin her clothes because she didn't have any spare clothes with her. After hiding behind the secure tree she undressed. Her bones ached as she tried to transform herself into her wolf form. The cracking sound of bones echoed as she fully transformed into a wolf, through her head towards the clouds and howled loudly. It had been a while since she had embraced her omega and ran around in wolf form. Usually, because of her college and working, she didn't have any time to focus on her omega's needs. As the omega heard the crunching sound of leaves from a head she walked out from behind the tree. Her omega purred looking at the Alpha in front of her. She wanted to nuzzle her head against his fur because she was sure that he would be warm. She couldn't believe that he was taller and buff then her wolf. She should have already expected it knowing that he was pure breed Alpha. The Alpha trudged towards her, his eyes widened and unbelievable. She was sure it must be because he was amazed by her omega. She didn't want to feel special at his attention but she did. Her omega was a cloud white wolf, extremely beautiful and lithe. She was aware that she was pure breed and as well as a rare being in the town. Her mother had countless time warned her that she should keep it a secret, her wolf form. Hunters loved to hunt the white wolves because they were of high value in the market, the reason being their rarity. The Alpha licked at her face affectionately to which she let out soft purrs. Her omega was happy because of the attention. A happy sound slipped out of her as her Alpha licked at her muzzle, then her nose. The happy bliss was broken as they heard the gunshot echo around the woods. The Alpha scrambled while pushing her towards the tree to which she whined while hiding her face. He signalled her to hide behind the tree to which she hastily ran and transformed herself and quickly put on her clothes. "Let's go..." Aiden furiously yelled. A gasp escaped her because he was standing in front of her with nothing but his skinny jeans. She nodded her head and quickly picked her bag and they ran towards the car.  Another gunshot echoed to which she whimpered, unable to walk forward to which Aiden held her hand, "Move..." He pulled her along and she sat in the front seat and secured the door. Who was going to kill them? She was sure some hunter must have sensed it but there was not only one scent but multiple ones and she didn't know how to fight against them. They were cruel beings who didn't care about animals but their profits. They hunted animals for money and didn't even think about their lives and it was so inhuman. She heard a door shut beside her to which she flinched but then relief flooded her when she noticed that it was Aiden. He immediately turned on the ignition and swiftly moved the car. "Are you fine?" He asked her looking at her from the corner of his eyes while focusing on the woods. She couldn't smell their scents any longer to which she nodded her head. But then thought that he wouldn't be able to hear, "Yeah I am fine. Thanks" In a way, he saved her life because if something like this would have happened she didn't know how to react. He hummed focusing his attention on the road. She felt her phone vibrate but ignored it, her eyes on the road. It was complete silence in the car and she noticed that they were driving towards some palace. She frowned at that. Why was he taking her here? She held her breath as the guards easily opened the door without any protest or identity check. "Do you know these royals?" She asked turning towards Aiden who was focused on driving. He turned towards her and shook her head as if she had said something funny. "I am a Royal. I am Prince Aiden  Williams Jr." ***
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