Chapter Six Part 1

1440 Words
Caden growls angrily, his claws sliding out as he rounds on the newcomer, his wolf pushing forward as he places himself between me and whoever this other guy is. ‘You better leave, I will kill you’ Caden growls. ‘Not a chance Star’ comes the equally pissed off reply and my heart stops, Hadley? Hadley Carrington is also claiming to be my mate? ‘Skarla?’ I whimper to my wolf, ‘what is happening?’ ‘Mate is here’ Skarla replies dreamily, lying down in my mind. Stupid mutt, as helpful as a paper ashtray. In front of me, Hadley has moved around slightly and I can finally see him from around Caden’s broad frame. That feeling is there again, the desire to rub my body over his, cover him with my scent, and make sure everyone knows he belongs to me. What the hell is happening? We only get one mate, it’s written in werewolf lore. No one gets more than one fated mate, no one! ‘She’s mine, back away before I make you’ Caden is snarling, watching Hadley intently, making sure he is always between me and the warrior. ‘No, she’s my mate, and you won’t be taking her’ Hadley replied, a hard edge to his voice. ‘I’ll fight till my last breath for her Star, you can count on it.’ ‘Submit!’ Caden yells, his temper snapping as he tried to force Hadley with an Alpha order. ‘No!’ Hadley growls back, not even flinching under the order. I’m mesmerised, how is a warrior fighting an Alpha order? It’s not possible, Caden is our future Alpha. The only people who can resist him are his parents. Even his sister can be brought down if he tries hard enough. In front of me, the two men launch at each other, claws out as they s***h without prejudice at their competition. Blood is flowing freely from their wounds, new ones appearing as quickly as the old ones heal. ‘Stop it! Stop!’ I scream, the pain that they are both feeling causing me to double over. I’m not even marked, I hate to think what this would feel like if I were. The two males ignore me, intent only on killing the other, ‘Dad! Please come! Hurry! They are going to kill each other!’ I scream through the mind link. Cutting the connection before he can start asking me questions, knowing he will come, I jump up from my seat, moving toward the fighting men just as bones cracking fill the air and Caden is replaced by a huge black wolf, Cobalt taking complete control, his gold eyes flashing dangerously. Hadley’s bones cra*k and his familiar grey wolf, Hunter, appears. Only a few centimetres differ in their height, but both are deadly. ‘Please! Stop!’ I beg, tears leaking out of my eyes as I try to get near them, instinctively wanting to touch them both to calm them down. The two wolves are too far gone though, and each rears up, teeth and claws clashing as they rip into each other, trying to force the other to submit. I can do nothing but stand back helplessly as Hunter's teeth sink into Cobalt's shoulder, the Alpha clawing at the warrior's face, tearing at his skin in retaliation. Crashing behind me sounds before Alpha Scott’s voice booms over the fight. ‘ENOUGH!’ he roars, his alpha order washing over the three of us forcing me to my knees as I tilt my head to the side, baring my neck in submission. Behind me, the two wolves still, falling to their feet, necks bared as I stare at them both. ‘SHIFT’ Alpha Scott orders the two wolves and bones immediately cra*k as my mates appear before me, very strong, very muscular and dear Goddess, very VERY naked! A strangled noise leaves me as I slam my hands over my eyes, covering them completely. An amused chuckle that I just know comes from Caden tells me that my reaction didn’t go unnoticed. I’m not a prude, but to suddenly be faced with two men I’m now unfortunately very attracted to with their goods out on display, does something to a woman! A rustling sound can be heard telling me that both men have been handed some form of clothing, but I still wait an extra minute before peeking through my fingers, thankful to find that they both now wear shorts. ‘What is going on?’ Alpha Scott demands furiously. ‘I came to claim my mate and Carrington broke through the line’ Caden snarled immediately. ‘No, I, came to claim MY mate!’ Hadley bit back, his usual calm demeanor seeming to have deserted him. ‘You were already here and I don’t know why. Maybe being the Alpha’s son means the claiming line doesn’t apply to you’ he added under his breath, earning him a growl. Alpha Scott opens the mind link to the entire warrior line and highest rank wolves, his voice reverberating in my own mind. ‘All warriors who let a wolf through the line, report to me in the clearing.’ Seconds later, four men appeared, looking warily at the Alpha as they bowed their heads respectfully. ‘Who did you let through?’ the Alpha asked curtly of the red headed man in his forties. ‘Alpha Caden’ he replied promptly, ‘he approached myself and Lang’ he indicated to the scarred man beside him, ‘he was definitely hearing the calling, we let him through.’ Alpha Scott nodded grimly before turning to the blonde who was looking worried, ‘and you two?’ he growled. Straightening up, the warrior nodded, ‘we let through Warrior Hadley, he too presented with obvious signs of the calling. His wolf was on the surface and he was almost feral, he would have ripped us apart if we had tried to deny him.’ Alpha Scott puffed out a breath, ‘thank you, back to your posts’ he ordered, the four bowing before disappearing immediately into the trees. He turns to me, I shift around so I’m facing him completely, feeling the eyes of my mates on my back, making me shiver slightly. ‘Jamie-Lee’ he rumbles, and I know he’s serious, he never uses my full name, ‘stand up.’ I do as instructed and he steps closer to me, placing his hands on my arms, ignoring the growls behind me. It’s dangerous even for an Alpha to touch an unmarked wolf on claiming night. ‘Skarla’ he calls quietly, my wolf immediately perking up, ‘come forward.’ I’m shoved back in my mind as my wolf takes control, ‘yes Alpha’ she says through my mouth, her voice courser than my own. ‘Look at the wolves behind you’ Alpha Scott orders, ‘which one is your mate?’ Skarla turns immediately. She cannot disobey her alpha even if she wants to. ‘Cobalt is my mate’ she says simply, causing the younger Alpha to smirk widely as Hadley’s face falls, ‘and Hunter is my mate’ she finishes. ‘What?’ Caden yells, his body rigid as his gaze swings from me to Hadley, ‘Dad!’ Alpha Scott sighs, ‘Caden’ he growls, ‘Skarla cannot lie to me, I am her Alpha, you are both her mates.’ I can see the moment reality hits both men, their anger and fight leaving them as they slump slightly and my heart breaks to see them so upset. ‘Thank you Skarla’ the Alpha murmurs, ‘please release Jamie-Lee back to me.’ Purring, Skarla sinks back into my mind, laying her head on her paws contentedly, she has her mate, she doesn’t care about the sh*t show going down in front of me. My father’s voice snaps my attention to him, ‘how?’ he asks, and there is a distinct worried tone to his voice. ‘Alpha, this has never happened before.’ I frown, yeah, this has never happened before, but now the shock is starting to wear off, I’m not really understanding why everyone looks so panicked. ‘What do we do?’ my father continues, his eyes flicking toward me in concern before going back to our Alpha. Alpha Scott runs a hand down his face, shaking his head before straightening up, authority rolling off him. ‘Jamie-Lee will have to choose which one to mate with’ he declared. ‘WHAT?’ I squeak, Caden and I hate each other and I barely know Hadley! I’m supposed to pick one of them to be tied to for life? ‘Good, Leeway, reject Carrington and come here’ Caden ordered immediately.
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