Chapter 7 "Annabella"

1283 Words
Anna P.O.V. Yes, I am almost out the door. Just a little bit closer. I am this close can almost taste it. Little more, just a little more. Yes, I am there out the door. I walked out and I was about to step out of the door. I felt someone's hand on top of my shoulders. Oh, NO. I am caught I knew it. They saw me trying to escape out the garage door. Then I heard a female voice. I let out a breath I was holding in since I was in the car with Noah. "Can I help you miss?" I heard the lady say. I turn around and stared up at her with a smile on my face. She is beautiful with black hair with dark brown eyes staring at me with a confused look on her face. Oh, umm, I thought. I didn't know what to say but the only thing I was thinking was. Thank God, it wasn't the brothers that find me. I am trying to get far away from their house and walk down the street and walk home. " Oh hello, my name is Annabella, but people call me Anna," I tell her with a nervous smile on my face. She just stared at me. Oh, right. She wanted to know I am needed help. I cleared my throat. " No, I don't need help but if you could show me out the front gate," I ask her. She just took her finger and pointed down the road. That when I turn my head and looked down the street where I saw a wooden gate and I started walking to it. I turn around and I thank her. " Thank you miss," I said with a happy smile on my face. Thank God, I am out of here and away from the asshole like to bully me, An hour later, I am walking and it's getting dark outside. I am trying not to think about what's out there that would grab me and attack me. I kept walking faster I need to get out of here and hurry up to get home. I don't want to run into anyone that wants to hurt me and want me dead. I know Rachel my new cousin by marriage wants me gone. I still don't understand why. I never did anything to her. Once I got around the corner down the street where I live. I am almost there at my house. I knew Noah. Jameson and Jackson lived close, but I never knew where they lived. Well, I had an idea, but I was never brave enough to go and find out. So, I just left it alone and I didn't care, and I forgot all about it. I remember one friend of mine her name was Jenni Brooks. Now she moved away. She was dating one of Jones's brother's friends and she was invited to their home for a party last year. They wanted me to go. But I knew if I would have gone, I knew I wasn't welcome. So, I told her to have fun without me. Her boyfriend was very nice and all but let's face it. He was only nice to me because my friend was dating him. I thought we were going into Senior year; we went to middle school together and now she had to move across the country. She moved to New York City. I sigh thinking still walking down the road. I miss her. She was my best friend, and she was my only friend. Because no one else wanted to be with a loser like me. They would try to be my friend and then Noah, Jameson, and Jackson Jones, and their friends would make sure I didn't have any more friends. But Jenni never listens, and she would tell them off. Like I said I have nobody except my parents and my older sisters Jessica and Arica they in college in the best university in the country. They are in Vermont State. I am proud and happy for them. They are doing something they want. I hope I get to go to Vermont up there with my older sisters. I can't wait to see them and live with them. They always tell me they can't wait for me to come to their school either. I was still walking and had a big smile on my face. I totally forgot I was running away from my bullies that I didn't hear a car stops, and I heard the door open, and slam shut behind me. I kept on walking. I am another five or six miles away from my house. I can see the moon is out. But I can still see it's still light out. That was when I felt someone's hand around my waist. What the hell! I thought before I got to look behind me and scream. I felt someone hand over my mouth. "Do you really think we let get away from us? "Hmm, kitten," I heard Noah's deep voice and I knew the other two are behind me and Noah? I wanted to tell him to go to hell, but I knew it would do not change his and Jameson and Jackson's minds. If they wanted to hurt me, there was nothing I could stop them. If they want to grab me and take me somewhere. Like I said there was nothing I could do. But if I could move my foot out of the way and maybe lift it up. Maybe just maybe I could get out of his hold and run as fast as I can away from these dumb jocks. I wanted to roll my eyes at myself because I should have known they didn't leave the room. They were just waiting to let me go and then watch me leave so they can follow me and chase me down and grab me again. I knew it would be good to be true. I wanted to kick my own ass right now. Because I let my guard down. The thing is I never let my guard down. But one night I did. I am so stupid; I am a stupid girl. Now, stop thinking Bella, you knew I was going to catch up with you," You get it away from us that ease." I heard Jackson say behind us and I felt him come closer and then I felt Jameson walk up on the other side of me. I felt him breathing down my neck. "Mine! I heard and I gasp when I heard mine what he meant mine? But before I thought that when I felt pain and that when I realized he bite me. He has bitten me hard on my neck. Ouch! What the f**k! I thought. I passed out in Noah's arms. "What the f**k Jackson why did you bite her she is not ready to know anything yet?" "Her parents are going to kill us," What about my parents? But I have my eyes closed but I can still hear them around me. But I kept hearing him talking to his brother that bite me. "God, you such dumbass Jackson no wonder you the stupid one." I heard Noah say and I heard a hit before I was out cold, I heard Noah tell his brother something about me. " Come on let's get her home before you do more to the poor girl, like finish her off." I heard Noah said and something else but then I heard him mumble and then nothing. Because I saw darkness and I was out cold.
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