Chapter 9 " Annabella"

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Annabella P.O.V. Oh, God, what was I thinking letting Noah finger me? I must be out of my mind. Anna, well, because you wanted him too. I heard my inner wolf/veela. I don't need you right now to tell me OKAY. I said my wolf. She huffed and went back into my mind. I chuckled at her. "Hey cookie, not so fast." I heard Noah mumble in my ear and lick it. "Yeah, cookie, not so fast." I heard Jackson on my left, and I knew Noah was behind me because he had his hand still in my pants and his two fingers inside me. Oh, God, this feeling is so wrong but so right. I feel dirty and wonderful at the same time. " I need to leave. I need to go?" I told said, wiggling out of his hold. But I did get him to take out his fingers inside me. But I felt him trancing them up to my stomach and under my shirt and him circling my n*****s. Then, finally, I felt his finger under my throat and next to my mouth. "Suck!" I heard him growl in demand in my ear. I didn't want to open my mouth because I knew if I did.  I was going to like it. But I don't want to like it. I am not the kind of girl that wants to be a wild girl. "Cookie, I think you had too much adventure for one night," Noah said. "Yeah, brother. Let's let her go home?" Jackson says. "Yeah, she looks like she has been a lot today. So, let's drop her at her house." Jameson said. I can tell them apart from the three. So, it's not that hard.  Noah is the demanding one.  Jackson, the smartass and sneaky Jameson is the crazy funny guy. He is the goofball. "Okay, princess, come on." We're taking you home," I heard Noah behind me. He gave me a little shovel, and we started walking back to the car. That was when I should have fought Noah. But I didn't do anything. I froze.  Once we walked closer to the car, I thought about how I would get out of this. What happened today at the mall and with the Jones brothers. I was standing outside Noah mustang when suddenly, I was picked up and placed inside his car again. I didn't have time to scream or think. All I know is I am inside his car again. All I want to do is go home. They are crazy and possessive monsters. I need to stay as far away from Noah, Jackson, and Jameson. A couple of minutes later... I am still in the back seat in Noah's car. I don't understand why he is being an asshole to me.  I wish he and his brothers would leave me the hell alone.  I can't believe this is happening to me. All I want to do is savor in my last year of high school and be an average/werewolf/veela/princess. Is that hard to ask? I just want to keep my head down and maybe make one or two friends on the way. "When you going to let me out of here and go home!" I asked them with an annoyed voice. Because I don't want to be around them. When we are good and ready, princess," I heard Jackson say with a laugh. God, he can be a jerk and moron at the same time. "Yeah, princess. When we are good and ready," I heard his twin brother Jameson say with a chuckle. "Shut the hell up!" Noah barked at his brothers. "Hey bro, what's up to your ass?" Jackson said with a pissed-off attitude. Shut the f**k up, you idiots. I heard Noah bark at his brothers. Just shut up," he tells them again. He is running his fingers through his hair. I can see he is getting frustrated. And when that happens, it's not good. His temper is dangerous and scary. So I try to stay away from him when he gets angry. "Hey bro, calm down." Your scary her?" I heard Jameson tell Noah. I didn't want them to see I was scared right now. But I am trying to keep my cool. "Please take me home, and I just want to go home," "I am going to get in trouble if I don't get home before my curfew." I kept talking, and I begged them. " I promise I won't tell on you for you kidnapped me," I told them. At first, I waited for them to say anything or stop the car and let me out to walk up the street to my house. It's not that far. " Hey, it's up the road. I can get out right here and just walk the way?" I asked them. I saw Noah gripping the sternwheel. I knew he was holding on to his control. Please, Noah! I want to go home-' I didn't get to finish my words because he slammed on the breaks, and I knew he was angry because of what I said. I wanted to get away from him and Jackson, Jameson. I slammed my head into the seat because I had no seat belt. I should have known this would happen. The animals and cruel jerks. How can they think I won't follow their directions? I am stubborn, and they know it. They hate that I don't listen to them. So, yeah, I am my person, fellas. So, get used to it. I won't follow your orders. They didn't like that I was disobeying and telling them what I wanted. They always tell everyone what to do. But this time, it was the other way around. That was when I saw Noah look back at me. I can't help but stare into his gorgeous blue eyes. But then, I saw his eyes turn dark, and I knew a storm was blowing in. I started to shake my leg and tried to calm down.  They can't hurt me, right. I thought to myself. No! they are just trying to scare me. But what they were doing to my body. I don't know if that was real or a dream.  But I liked it.  I shouldn't have let them touch and kiss me.  I don't understand why they even did it. Hey, they would never have touched me before. And now they are acting like I am their girlfriend or something. But I knew they wouldn't treat me like someone they would date. Instead, they are treating me like I am their property.  T making out with me, but they bully me and call me ugly, and they would never touch me?  We were still staring at each other until I saw Noah turn back around and start his car. Then, I saw him take a hard turn to the left and then another left. Then, finally, I felt the car stop, and I gasped and landed in Jackson's lap. Well, hello baby," I heard him, and I turned my head. I was staring up at him. I saw his cocky smirk, and he winked at me. I heard a growl, and I saw Noah was staring at us in the rear mirror, and I saw his brows were down in a snarl. Then I looked away. I didn't want him to see that he affected me with his hot, possessive anger. "Get off his lap! Now, "Get out! I heard Noah say. I was shocked at how rude he was talking to me. Then I looked back at him and gave him a snarl, and I didn't care if he saw me or not. That was when I was looking around. We were in my drive away. So, I got off Jackson's lap and opened the door before I got to slam it shut. Someone grabbed my wrist. What the- I looked down I saw Noah holding on to it. " You are riding to school with us? You will now on ride with us for the whole year." So, do you understand?" So, we are here tomorrow early." So, don't try to leave without us to school, or you will not like what will happen after school." Oh my god, he can't tell me what to do. "Hey! now you can't tell me what to do!" I told him. And another thing, you're not my boss or my parents. So, I will do whatever I like. If I want to leave and go to school without you, I will. So, stop and leave me alone!" I told him and Jameson and Jackson. I pulled out my wrist from his hold.  I walked away.  I didn't turn back.  I kept walking toward my house. Once I was in the door, I watched them in my peak hole on my door. They were gone. Oh, thank God, I thought. I walked into the living room.  That was when I saw my parents. They were waiting in the living room with an angry expressions on their face and crossing their arms. Yep, I am in trouble.  And by the look on their face. I knew it would be bad, and I was in trouble. I didn't care if I was in trouble. But I can't stop thinking about how Noah was doing the dirty things to my body. I remember Jackson and Jameson watching us. But why did I want them to join me?  That was on my mind; that is what I had thought. Then I thought. What is going to happen tomorrow? If I don't ride with them tomorrow for school?
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