Chapter 30

1055 Words
Amelia Stepping out of the hot steam of my shower I’m still in a daze, not quite sure what has just happened or how he so effectively turned the tables on me. I’ve always known how powerful Erik is but it is a side of him he usually denies, locks away from the world but it is exhilarating to see. Wrapping myself in a large towel I wander into my closet, running my fingers along the rows of clothes. Do I defy him and wear a pants suit or play his little game and put on a dress? A shiver of anticipation runs down my spine. Only an hour ago I had regained some common sense, knowing I need to pull back from him and now I am caught in his orbit once more. My hand stops on a short black dress and a smile curves over my lips. If he wants to play that game then lets. I feel satisfied as I pull it out and look over it. Tight figure hugging material it ends barely below my still recovering ass making my legs look longer than they are, paired with some killer heels this will look sexy as hell. At the front it appears somewhat descent coming right up to my neck only the tightness of the material giving anything away but the back is completely exposed coming down to a deep v that ends just at the curve of my bum. Not exactly work appropriate but who cares I’m the boss, I can do what I want. Slipping into it and pairing it with louboutin’s I grab a professional black blazer to throw over the top. Back in the bathroom I fix my hair up in a loose messy bun on top of my head so that when I remove my jacket he will get the full effect of the dress. Taking my time with my make up I emphasise my eyes and cover my lips in a ruby red colour. My eyes twinkle with excitement as I check myself in my floor length mirror, a thrill at the possibility of him checking that I have followed his instructions and I am indeed free from the confines of my underwear. Quickly I make my way downstairs, the large apartment silent but for my footsteps. My espresso is waiting for me and I drink it down in one gulp too excited to get to the office and see him again. As I push my way eagerly through the large foyer doors I freeze, he’s there lounging against my town car. Long legs crossed casually, tight pant trousers emphasising his substantial bulge, a tight black shirt with his tie loose around his neck the top button open, suit jacket slung over his shoulder. Eyes smouldering with mischief. I swallow hard, how the hell am I supposed to make it through this day without orgasming, the sight of him alone right now is almost enough to do it. Just the way his eyes rake over me a delightful promise of pleasure to come. I feel wetness begin to pool and an unfamiliar sensation of self consciousness ripples through me realising how exposed I am without underwear. His smile widens like he can read my very thoughts. Squaring my shoulders I begin to walk towards him displaying a confidence that I do not feel. He simply dips his head as I reach him and opens the door for me. I move to step in elegantly to cover my modestly but a grip on my elbow stops me and he gives me a heated look, I feel a slight blush creep over my face as I dip my head and climb into the car giving him a view of my already glistening unprotected p***y. Rewarded with a satisfied grumble he says nothing but closes the door firmly behind me as I settle and walks around climbing in the other side. The ride is excruciating, not a single word passes his lips but I catch him occasionally shooting me a side ways look that is filled with both threat and promise. As the car draws up to the building I practically dive out so full of pent up energy, I want to rip his clothes off right now and I need some space from him to keep myself together. I know I must have given him another eye full but I’m beyond caring now. Marching quickly to the elevators I barely take a breath as I feel him behind me at the same moment the doors ping open. There are five other people waiting but knowing who we are the graciously wait for us to enter first. He confidently presses the button for the floor and then somehow gracefully and subtly manoeuvres us to the back of the elevator placing me directly in front of him as the others filter in. My body is full of nervous anticipation as the doors slide closed and the elevator begins its ascent. Within moments I feel his fingers trace lightly up one of my thighs, gliding expertly between my legs, exploring the wetness they find there, sliding two fingers inside me it takes everything I have not to moan out loud and give us away. His teeth lightly graze my earlobe as he whispers to me barely audible “Good girl” and I feel myself squeeze around his fingers in response. Each floor a delicious torture as he brings me closer and closer to orgasm. I nod to each person as they exit the elevator on their floors trying to look as normal as possible while my torturer tries to be my undoing from behind. Mercifully the final two floors we are alone and my tense body relaxes into his touch as he continues to pleasure me. As we reach our floor I feel the tremble of my legs begin to take me with the start of the fireworks and then he withdraws just at the last moment once more leaving me bereft of his touch. Needing release I cry out in frustration, met only by the mirth in his eyes as he makes a show of sucking me from his fingers and then steps out of the elevator. I want to kill him and f**k him in equal measure.
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