Chapter 2

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Amelia As I make my way through the front doors of the castle like mansion I call home I prepare myself for what is coming. I snuck away without informing my King where I was going and I will be punished for it. Queen or not he is still my master, still the most powerful. Yet I find myself unable to care what my punishment will be Erik walks this world still and that is all that matters to me. Pausing before the doors to his council chamber I prepare myself, put on my mental armour, after all this time he can not shake me. As I stride in I see the letcherous looks on his cronies faces, refusing to meet their eyes I make my way to the empty seat beside my husband. Nico his most prized right hand man gives me a look that tells me I am indeed in trouble. A sideways glance from my husband proceeds his challenge “Where have you been without our permission my wife” the last word emphasised like that should mean I have no control over what I do without him. I smile sweetly at him trying my best to de escalate the situation “There was a hunters attack, initial reports sounded like it was another new bio weapon, you were busy with more important matters and I am the scientist. I did not think it worth your while to bother you until it was confirmed” Not even a smile, there is no emotion to read on his face “And is it?” I am clipped in my response “thankfully no” he raises an eyebrow and before either of us speak Nico intervenes “That does not excuse leaving without permission or a proper escort. You are the Queen after all” sarcasm drips from him and I shoot him a venomous look. Finally some emotion on my husband’s face, a sly malicious smile “And what would be a befitting punishment?” Nico matches that smile “We have been a little bored so a public flogging should send the right message to our little Queen” An angry lump forms in my throat and I have to push it down, that fucker, this is for his own pleasure, he loves to publicly humiliate me. Sometimes I really want to rip out his throat. My husband nods his ascent and waves in Nico’s direction “You do it I prefer to watch” I close my eyes preparing myself for what’s to come as Nico calls for a flogger to be brought to him. Once it’s in his hands he stalks around to the top of the table, demanding I stand pulling my large ornate chair away. He cracks the flogger against his palm, I’m unsure if he’s trying to intimidate me but I’ve been on the other side of it too much over the centuries to care. In fact I often quite enjoy it, it helps me to feel alive. What he says next does make me care a little ‘Strip!” He orders and I call him every name I can think of in my head. It’s not the nakedness that bothers me per say, as a more than thousand year old vampire I am very comfortable with nakedness and sexually overall, to keep getting thrills and pleasure after so long you need to push the boundaries time and time again. It’s that he knows I despise a few of the absolute cretins around this table and I would much rather not be that vulnerable around them. I guess that’s the only part that makes this an actual punishment. I see them watch with hungry eyes as I remove my trouser suit and top. I stop at my underwear and mercifully he does not push me on that. A little dignity retained. Nico steps in close behind me spreading my legs with his feet and pushing me down onto the table with his hand around the back of my neck. The coolness of the marble calms my red cheeks and although he turns my head to look at my husband I close my eyes. Imaging I am somewhere else and this flogging is for pleasure. Bent over like this the lace of my panties barely covers my ass providing no protection for what is to come. He runs his hand down from my neck along by back, circling motions over my ass cheeks. taking enjoyment in prolonging this moment. “Get on with it” I growl and it’s met by his laughing response “As you wish my Queen” I feel the movement of air as the flogger works towards my ass, the sharp bite as it connects with my skin, I feel the wetness pool in my panties. I do not cry out and I know that will deny them some satisfaction. After twenty lashes I know my skin will be swollen and red from the contact. When nothing further comes I open my eyes, there is a fire in my husband’s usually ambivalent expression and he rubs at his crotch. “f**k her into submission” he orders Nico. Once again I close my eyes preparing myself for what’s to come. I’ve been f****d by Nico a thousand times over the last few centuries, he does this because he believes Nico and I hate each other and it is one of the few things left that actually gets him off. I feel Nico lift my ass up towards him and rip apart the lace of my panties, the unzipping of his trousers. His hard c**k sliding along my wetness teasing before he pushes his way inside. Putting on a show for his master. He pushes inside me with a single stroke, filling me completely. Settling for a moment relishing in his act before he begins his performance of f*****g me into submission. Hard and fast over and over again, setting a punishing pace, from this angle he hits me at just the right spot, angering me that he is going to tease an orgasm from me in font of those fuckers. I hear Damian “Yes Nico I’m nearly there make her c*m like she’s your w***e” My eyes flash open in annoyance glaring at my husband who currently has a fledgling poised on her knees in front of him to take his c*m. Yet the emotion only brings me closer to the inevitable, I can not hold it back as he hits my g spot over and over again, knowing exactly how to play my body. The shaking begins in my toes and works it’s way through my entire body, I can’t hold in the moan of pleasure as the waves crash through me and I feel Nico fill me with his own roaring release at my climax tightening around him. My husband has chosen to join us in orgasm painting the fledglings face and chest white with his release. I don’t even look at the cretins around the table I know it will only make me want to rip their throats out especially with their round of applause they deliver for the show. As Nico slides out of me I grab my clothes and without another word or look in their direction I take my leave.
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