Chapter 6

1097 Words
Amelia My face may be a mask of calm but inside my stomach is twisting and my heart racing. What game is Damian playing bringing Erik here? Does he suspect? Does he know? Only Nico’s calm exterior settles my worries if he did know even a fraction of the truth Nico’s behaviour towards me would be very different, he would be in full hate mode instead of indifferent. Our secret language to each other to deceive my darling husband. As soon as the excruciating meal is over I make my excuses and put as much distance between Erik and I as physically possible. That beautiful sweet woman that was with him made me want to be sick. Nothing to do with her, she was lovely, well spoken and I could see by the look in her eyes how she adores him. Everything I had wanted for him to have but it hit me like a dagger to my heart. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would actually have to come face to face with it. I beeline for my private chambers, I need some space just to breathe. How am I going to be able to work side by side with him on this? I’ve made him hate me but it’s not him I’m worried about. How will I be able to stay indifferent when his very presence turns my world on its ass. Arghhh I let my frustration out and smack my palm off of the wall. An irritated sounding chuckle snaps me back into the moment. I hadn’t even heard him come into the room. Damn it! Already he is making me loose my edge. There’s something dark in Nico’s eyes that makes me uncomfortable. I can sense his energy is off. I’m about to speak when he dashes over to me before I can fully turn to face him. He pushes me face first into the wall, his body pressing tight to me, his hardness evident as it uncomfortably pushes into my ass. Moving back slightly he holds me against the wall with one hand on the back of my neck, his feet spread my legs as his other hand pulls my dress up over my hips. His hand moves roughly between my legs pushing inside with two fingers he expertly strokes me in just the right way to set my body on fire and then he pushes his thumb inside my ass making it hard to think as he works me completely. “That’s what you needed” his tone gravelly, sensual as he bites and sucks on my earlobe. His fingers making my body tremble beneath him, waves of pleasure wash over me “Good girl, see no one knows you like I do” Still shaking from my climax he spins me around and pushes me to my knees in front of him unzipping his trousers and roughly fisting my hair. My hands move instinctively to his hips to steady myself before releasing his c**k. Normally he likes me to tease him but today he pushes straight against my mouth demanding entry. Willingly I open to give him entry and he pushes all the way to the back of my throat, I have to work not to gag instinctively, with his mood he is not for giving me control, he needs to release his pent up frustration, this needs to be his moment. He is not overly rough, he does not hurt me but he sets the pace, works my mouth to gain what he needs to settle himself. I feel my eyes water and my mascara run as he works his way in and out, he tilts my head up so I am looking at him as he takes his pleasure. “The most perfect sight” he murmurs. All it takes is another few strokes in and out and I feel the tension in him, feel that work up in pace and then his hot release spills down my throat. He sighs as he zips himself back up and drops to his knees in front of me. Cupping my face with both hands he rests his forehead to mine. I feel him begin to still finally and his lips find mine in a deep soulful kiss. “What’s wrong?” I whisper to him when he finally releases my lips. He pulls back to search my eyes his own haunted. “Amelia you have to know how dangerous this is. Everything could unravel” I take a deep heavy breath and close my eyes for just a moment “Nico does he suspect anything? Why has he done this?” He just shakes his head at me “No he doesn’t know anything, I think he was just bored and wanted to stir up trouble. He acted like he didn’t know about Erik’s wife but he did, he’s know about her for months. I think he just wants to play a new game with you rather than actually knowing anything but if you slip up, if he sees any emotion in you, I don’t know what he’ll make me do to you or him for that matter” My heart is heavy, this might just be the hardest thing I’ve had to face in centuries but at least I have Nico in my corner. Blank face and shut off my emotions and hope this ends sooner than later. Damian gets bored so easily these days that hopefully this game will cease to amuse him if he gets no reaction from either of us. I kiss Nico’s lips and move to stand up but he stops me and pulls me back to him “Amelia, there’s something else” I have an awful feeling of dread that I know what he is about to say. “Just say it” I whisper and his eyes tell me before his words “There is a party after the meal tonight. Damian has decided who will be partnered for his enjoyment” I stop breathing “He has set you up to be with me . . . And Erik. The two men who hate you most in this world” his ironic smile says it all. That fucker, he really is playing with me, his stupid orgies where he decides who is f*****g who are bad enough but to do this! A sudden thought hits me “What about Erik’s wife?” Nico just shakes his head ‘She is to watch with him”. That twisted fucker!
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