Chapter 2

1961 Words
"You' ve been in the Li family for nearly two years, yet you haven' t given birth to a man or woman. As a granny, have I ever said a word about you? Even more so, your husband never thought you would abandon you! He even tried his best to invite a female doctor to treat you! "How could he let you down?" "Who said it wasn' t?" When Mother Zhu Zi heard this, she couldn' t help but agree," Li Dongxian that child, I watched him grow up! He was born with an appearance of talent, yet he also knew how to write, and his temperament was the most docile and honest! There was no way he could pick a good child like him! Ye Qing'e You' ve eaten lard and lost your heart!" "She's a natural slut!" "A man has only been out for two months, but she can' t endure it! To do such a dirty thing with this filthy man! "From what I said, back then, you guys shouldn' t have acted kindly to marry her!" "It's all my fault that my wife's eyes are muddled. After marrying into such a Star of Death, she's now making an appearance of shame..." Madam Li choked with sobs as he kowtowed." Old master, I beg you to uphold justice for the common people!" "Cough cough..." County Grand Lord's weak and powerless cough could be heard from the hall. When the master beside him saw this, he hurriedly waved his hand." You people, if you have something to say, stop crying and howling there! "Lord, your body is weak, your heads are about to explode!" Madam Li didn' t dare to make another sound when he heard this. He only secretly looked at Li Chang Liu Dashui. Liu Dashui knew what was going on, he hurriedly trotted forward and ran to the county grand master's table. Only then did he kneel down respectfully and said with a smile," I' m sorry, my lord. The village woman under my control is rude, causing trouble for my lord!" The county grand master was like a soft-footed shrimp as he lazily collapsed onto a chair and looked at him with slanted eyes. After a long while, he gasped for breath and said," Since it's under your control, it's fine to deal with such a small matter according to the clan rules. Why do you want to cause a commotion in the county government?" "Lord, you don' t know!" Liu Dashui respectfully replied," If it was an ordinary village woman, she would naturally have followed the clan's rules and sunk into a pond! But her husband and her identity was a bit special...... She was the daughter of Scholar Ye and the wife of Scholar Li ……" "Ye Xiucai?" The county princess coughed again." Ye Zhicheng?" "Exactly!" Liu Dashui nodded repeatedly." This father is a scholar. Husband Li Dongxian is also a scholar. They are all scholars. They are different from ordinary people, so ……" The county princess snorted and suddenly said," Li Dongxian...... "You' re the one who passed the academy exam this year, right?" "Yes, yes!" Liu Dashui chuckled." Li Dongxian' ve done well in the academy exam. He's one of the best. He's fortunate enough to become a student. It's only because of you, my lord, that a way out!" "Bitter child..." The county grand master chuckled and turned his head slightly. His gaze landed on the Ye Qing'e on the ground. The emaciated and withered woman was currently covered in filth and bloodstains. She looked around like an injured kitten in confusion and fear. She seemed to be speaking, but unfortunately, she could not hear the slightest sound. Only a bunch of blood bubbles were spat out. The county princess stared at her for a while before asking indifferently," Where is Scholar Li?" "Ever since he was elected to Tong Sheng, he was hired by Old Master Zhu in the city to teach his children a lesson!" Liu Dashui explained," Before I arrived, I already sent someone to call. I think I' ll be here soon!" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a person rushing into the office. ###Chapter3 The county grand master raised his head to take a look, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. This Li Dongxian had a good appearance. He was only about twenty years old. He had a tall figure, thick eyebrows, large eyes, and thin lips. It was obvious that he had never experienced any coolie before. His body was covered in a new set of silk clothes, and his hair was combed completely unmoving. As he walked, he walked like the wind, carrying a graceful young man. Other than a little, his nose was slightly lacking. Although his nose was straight, it was slightly hooked, giving this harmless handsome face a hint of maliciousness. However, this was only his personal opinion. In the hearts of the surrounding women outside the yamen, the Scholar Li was only high and gentle. It was truly a good husband that was hard to find even with a lantern! This husband had been taken away by an ugly woman. Now, this ugly woman was actually carrying him on her back, having a private relationship with a good man. She had done such an ugly thing trouble in the public hall. The young ladies outside looked at this handsome gentleman and couldn' t help but cry bitterly for him! "Isn' t this self-satisfied!" Someone couldn' t help but spit at the Ye Qing' e on the ground. With this spit, everyone did what they had done. You took it, I took it. In the end, someone even picked up a stone and threw it at Ye Qing'e body. "Please don' t do this!" When Li Dongxian saw this, he hurriedly clasped his fist and pleaded," The matter has not been clarified yet. Perhaps it was a misunderstanding!" After he finished speaking, he stumbled into the hall. First, he bowed deeply to the county grand master in the hall. When he turned around and saw the Ye Qing'e on the ground, he couldn' t help but cry out," Ye Qing'e, Ye Qing' e, tell me, is this true?" Ye Qing'e stared at him, his eyes so red that blood almost dripped from them! However, no matter how angry and aggrieved she was, she couldn' t say a single word! "The old young masters of the Stone Village have witnessed this treacherous man here with their own eyes. He's proven like a mountain. How could she have anything to quibble about?" Madam Li was so angry that he cried out wildly, and he immediately stopped that fellow and shouted," What are you pretending to die for? If he had the guts to do it, would he not have the guts to admit it? "Quickly, tell me. How did you hook up?" "It's none of my business!" "It's your little wife. She's really too enthusiastic. I sold things through your door. After she bought things, she invited me into the room for tea. After I drank that tea, I couldn' t help but follow her...... "I was forced too!" "Pah!" Madam Li jumped." How many times have you all been here?" "Today is only the second time..." The freight forwarder shook his head." Her appearance is ugly. I' m not interested in it. After being forced by her once, I didn' t dare to go around the Stone Village for nearly a month. Today, someone in the village called me to buy something. I had no choice but to go over. Who would have thought that she would bump into me again? I was so afraid that I wouldn' t be able to resist her passion. I was guilty! I' m guilty! However, for the sake of forcing me, please forgive me! "I won' t dare!" After he finished speaking, his head fell to the ground with a thud. It was obvious that he was filled with regret." That woman was born so ugly. If it wasn' t for her taking the initiative to seduce her, she would' ve vomited. How could she be so happy!" When Ye Qing'e heard these words, his entire body trembled in anger. However, he was unable to say a single word, and he was so furious that he took his head and smashed it to the ground, causing it to thump and thump, and his face was covered in blood. "Enough!" Li Dongxian let out a muffled roar. He hugged her head and said in pain," Every time you make a mistake, you' ll die like this without even opening your mouth to abuse yourself. Ye Qing' e, this isn' t the first time you' ve ever done this. You' ve asked your husband ……" He seemed to be filled with grief and indignation, and as he spoke, he choked with sobs. The crowd that were watching let out a buzzing sound. This was not the first time...... That was to say, before this, there had been similar incidents of a******y, as well as many times? When the county grand master heard this, his lips curled upwards. In the end, he was a scholar, killing without a blade, cursing without any dirty words. With a single sentence, this woman on the ground was nailed to the pillar of shame! "It's my fault. It's because I' m not good enough..." Li Dongxian endured the tears and bowed to the county grand master in the hall. He said in a hoarse voice," Milord, can I handle this matter with the living officer myself?" "Xian' er, are you crazy?" Madam Li jumped up." How could you spare her if she's so discredited? "A lecherous woman like her is going to be immersed in a pig cage!" "Big brother, you can' t just let her go!" Li Baozhu said with a sharp voice," Big brother, you' ve suffered such a grievance. Girl, when you look at it, it really hurts! Just based on his brother's appearance, what kind of girl could not be found? After marrying this Ye Qing'e, she was the one who had designed it. She felt wronged and begged for it! "She's actually bullying you like this! I can' t let her off!" "Yes! "I have to show her something!" Madam Li agreed. Mother! "Little sister!" Li Dongxian shook his head in pain." I' ve been married for almost two years. Ye Qing' e and I have been married for almost two years. In these two years, even though she hasn' t given birth to a man or a woman for my family, she's also helped this family a bit. Without her, how could my child be able to study at ease and fame? Now...... For a moment, she was confused. After doing such a thing, she and I would not be able to do it. However, they did not want to see her miserable ending! "I' ll write down a divorce letter today. From now on, I' ll leave it to her!" As soon as these words were spoken, the surrounding crowd all praised them. "No wonder he's the number one student in the academy. He's broad-minded and kind-hearted. Even a wife like him can be merciful. If he becomes a parent in the future, he' ll definitely benefit all of us!" An old man with both beard and hair stroked his goat beard and praised loudly. "Yeah, yeah!" The other green-clothed man repeatedly nodded." I never expected that there would actually be such a handsome talent in this countryside!" The scholar Li Dongxian. When he heard everyone's praise, he only smiled bitterly without end. He did not show the slightest bit of pride. He borrowed a piece of paper and pen to write a resting book. The pen walked through the dragon snake, and it was vigorous and unrestrained. It once again attracted praise. However, the tightly knit brows and gloomy expressions caused the hearts of the women to ache so much that they were about to cry.
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