



# Erotica

# Dreame writing marathon

# Dark Romance

Pearl is accused of killing her best friend who mysteriously died after they both met.

She tries to prove her innocence but no one listens to her.

Then her best friend' s fiancee, the Alpha of her pack, shows up and offers her a contract marriage.

Pearl is forced to accept as her grandmother is lying half dead in the hospital.

Ivan turns out to be a beast and does not fail to remind her that she killed her best friend.

He acts so cold to her and only wants her to give him an heir and use her to claim the throne.

What happens when she discovers that the ruthless Alpha she married unwillingly is her mate?

Will she ever be able to prove her innocence and fetch out the killer of jade?

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ONE……… PEARL'S P. O. V I dragged my feet sluggishly to my door with sleepy eyes. "Who's there?" I yawned, opening the door wide. "It's me, sleepyhead.." A cheerful voice rang in my ears, jolting me out of my sleepy state... "Jade!!" I exclaimed as Jade walked into my apartment. "What sleepyhead? Should you be sleeping by this time?" Jade raised a brow at me sitting on the couch. "I was just having my siesta…" I responded, still standing by the door. "What? Why are you standing there? Aren't you happy to see me?" Jade frowned and I quickly shook my head. "No. I'm very happy to see you.." I confessed. It was nice to have some company especially when I lived alone here. "Then what's up? You're acting weird.." Jade reasoned with furrowed brows. "It's nothing, Jade. It's just that you're not supposed to be here.." I chuckled dryly. The last embarrassment I received from her mother was still replaying in my head. "This place is way out of your league. How can you visit a filthy place like this? You should leave.." I said softly and I made my way to open the door. "Wait, Pearl. Was my mother here?" Jade asked, standing up from the chair. "Tell me the truth, Pearl. My mother was here right?" Jade asked again but got no response from me as I remained quiet. "I've told you countless times, you shouldn't listen to whatever she says, hmm.." she voiced out, going close to me as she placed her hand on my right shoulder. "I don't mind being friends with you and feel more comfortable here.." "So come on. We're best friends.." she nudged me playfully. "Why did you come here? I thought your surgery had been scheduled already?" I grilled as Jade led me to sit down. Jade had been dealing with heart issues since she was little and now she was having a transplant. "Yes. I'll be having my surgery tomorrow.." "Then why are you here?" I asked. Jade's mother, Mrs Alcott had given me an earful the day before. I did not wish to hear another from her. "I came to see you and also tell you that I'll be having my engagement party immediately after I recover.." Jade announced happily. "Wow Jade, I'm so happy for you.." we both hugged each other. "I know right.." Jade uttered, sighing deeply. "I just want this operation to be successful, so I can finally be free from this stupid disease.." Jade frowned. "Don't worry. It will be successful and I'm also praying for you.." "Thanks, Pearl, you're the best.." "What about the Alpha your fiance?" I asked her. Jade was betrothed to the Alpha of our pack and they were planning to get married by the end of the year. "He is flying in today.." Jade responded. "I'm so happy for you Jade.." I said sincerely. ……. "Drive safely.." I wished as I walked Jade to her car. "I will.." Jade assured. "And you too. Take care of yourself, hmm.." Jade smiled, patting my cheeks. "I'll see you soon.." I uttered, waving at Jade who got into her car. I turned towards my apartment when I suddenly heard a loud crash. I instantly turned to see what it was. But to my utmost surprise, Jade's car was there, somersaulted across the street, as it rolled into the woods. "Jade!!!" I yelled at the sight of Jade's bloodied hand that was sticking out of the car. I began to run towards the car in a bid to save my best friend. But it was too late. Just before I could reach the car, it exploded, throwing me off the ground to another side of the road. …… I sat shakily at the hospital's longue, praying silently that nothing happened to Jade. It all happened so fast. The accident. I never saw it coming. I never saw the incoming truck that had happened to hit Jade's car which resulted in the accident. Right now I wished for nothing to happen to Jade. "Look at her!! There she is. She murdered my daughter.." A malicious voice fired, breaking me out of my stream of thoughts and I lifted her head to see Mrs Alcott storming at me along with a man who wore an angry look on his face, two other men behind them. "You murderer, you killed my daughter!!" Mrs. Alcott fired, grabbing me by my collar. I was perplexed by her actions. "Kille..d.." I stammered in confusion. Who was killed? "Yes, killed. Jade is dead.." Mrs. Alcott cried. Uncontrollably tears streamed down her face. "No, it can't be too. ue" I stammered as hot tears flowed down my face. There was no way Jade would just die. "My poor daughter. She was burnt without recognition.." Mrs Alcott sniffled, tightening her grip on me. "I always warned her to stay away from you. You bring nothing but bad luck. First, it was your family. Now my daughter. I'll make you pay for this…" Mrs. Alcott swore. "No, it can't be true…" I shook her head in denial. "Shut up!!" A hot slap went across my face as I was thrown roughly on the ground. I winced in pain as I had sustained some minor injuries when she was blown off by the explosion that happened to Jade's car. "Look at her Ivan, she killed your fiance. She killed Jade.." Mrs Alcott accused. I whimpered, sitting up slowly from the ground as I looked up to see an angry face directed at me. His gray eyes held contempt that was directed at me. His intimidating Aura and height scared the living hell out of me. This was the first time I was meeting Jade's fiance as I only heard of him. The infamous ruthless Alpha of Blue Hills pack. "You killed her right?" Ivan's deep dark voice sounded in my ears and I flinched in fear. "I'll make you suffer for it" he swore and Mrs Alcott stormed at me kicking my stomach hard as I sat on the ground. "If only Jade had listened to me and stayed away from you. She would still be with us today, but you killed her out of jealousy" Mrs. Alcott wailed. "I didn't kill her!!" I whimpered in a low voice. She did nothing. "Shut up!!" "I'll make you suffer the same way my daughter died.." "Take her away and make sure she rots in the dungeon!" Mrs. Alcott ordered and the two other men charged at me, picking me up roughly from the ground. "Torture her till there's no life left in her.." she instructed with nothing but hate in her voice as they whisked me away as if I were a common criminal.

Dreame-Editor's pick


The Lone Alpha


The Luna He Rejected (Extended version)


My Crush Is My Best Friend's Dad


The Vampire King's Human Mate


Just Got Lucky


Sold to the Ruthless Alpha


Cruel Love


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