Chapter 4

1074 Words
As soon as we returned from our apartment we set up the Xbox in the living room and started to play some 2k. Ethan was good but I was better, after three games he finally admitted defeat.  “Damn sleeping beauty, I never lose you’re the first one” He laughed putting his hands up in defeat before heading to the kitchen and grabbing a drink. “Beer or something else?” “Beer’s good with me” He handed me a Blue Moon as he held one in his other hand and flipped Netflix on.  “I’m glad we get along well” He broke the silence as we were figuring out what to watch.  “Same.” I smiled while blushing as I can’t help it since he’s so attractive but I know he’s off limits.  We decided to watch The Umbrella Academy Season 2 as it recently just came out. After a few episodes we decided to call it a night and returned to our respective rooms.  Morning came around and after a good night's sleep I woke up early today at 8am for once and decided to shower. When I was about to open the door to the bathroom Ethan came out and I bumped straight into his hard and muscular chest.  “Wow walking into a wall early in the morning is not how I expected to wake up” I rubbed my forehead as I looked at him. That’s when I realized that he was half naked with only a towel wrapped sloppily around his waist. I could see not only his muscular chest but also his well defined six pack abs and a very sexy and deep v-line that would literally make any girl go crazy.  “My bad” he laughed moving aside, “all yours sleeping beautiful” I quickly ran into the bathroom to hide my probably red face from seeing him half naked. I took a quick glance at the mirror and I was right, my face was as red as a tomato right now. I wasn’t a virgin or anything but seeing his half naked body really made me feel some sort of way. To get it out of my head I quickly took a cold shower to wake up.  After the showers I quickly got dressed and found Ethan already in the kitchen. “What are you making?” I made my way to the coffee machine Toby gave us to make a fresh cup of coffee before looking over at Ethan on the stove. “I hope you like pancakes” He placed a few pancakes on a plate and set it on the counter. We had a eat in counter built in and since we didn’t have a table yet this was where we’ll be eating until we can get one.  “Oh yes I’m famished.” I grabbed a pancake and began stuffing myself. God I can wake up early to this everyday if this man will be making me breakfast.  “Slow your horses down sleeping beauty” he laughed while reaching over the counter and brushing off some crumbs from my cheeks.  “Oh, thanks” I could feel my cheeks getting hot from the contact  “You’re just like a child. I can see why Toby treats you like his sister.” Somehow I felt a little upset when he mentioned that I’m childlike. Does this mean he sees me as a child too? Whatever, he’s off limits anyway.  “So what do you plan to do?” I asked Ethan as he was cleaning up the dishes. “Well when I was at Harvard the professor I knew there recommended me to be an adjunct professor at UC here so I’ll be doing that mainly and probably pick up a part-time job until  I figure out what I want to do. You?” “I studied fashion so I might try to see if I can intern at any company around. Worst comes worst I’ll pick up a shift at the local cafe that we passed by last night, it looks cozy there.”  “Are your parents okay with you moving so far away? Your plans don’t seem very well thought out.” Okay he’s right but he didn’t have to be so upfront.  “Well...we got into an argument and I told them I needed some time to myself. They basically wanted to plan my life for me and I just turned 22, I wanted to explore more first before having to fill my part of the obligation at home.” There wasn’t a need to tell Ethan about my arranged marriage situation, we just met.  “Well if you need help let me know, I know a few people here in Chicago after studying at Harvard.” I nodded and headed to my room.  “Thanks for breakfast Ethan” I smiled and he smiled back after giving me a wink with his nod.   After a short while I heard Ethan calling out from the door that he’s leaving for the university and will be back later for dinner meaning I had to deal with lunch myself.  After Ethan came back we decided to hang out with Toby and Rachel as they were heading out to meet some friends.  “This is Ethan, a really good friend of mine I met at Harvard and this is Ella, basically my non-blood related little sister and Rachel’s best friend.” Toby introduced us to a few people.  “Hi!” I waved while smiling at his small group of friends, including us four there were three more people who joined us, Joshua, Timmy and Grant.  It was a nice night of meeting different people having drinks and just dancing. It shocked me when I noticed how well Ethan danced after downing a few drinks with me. We really bonded quickly as we laughed and played and fought and danced like crazy.  “You two make a cute couple” Joshua teased as we came back from the dance floor to grab another drink.  “What no way, she’s like a little sister.” Ethan quickly rejected the idea, making me feel a little hurt. “Yeah no way, he’s a big brother. Plus, I’m not willing to fight with all those girls just for one man.” I pointed at all the glares I’ve been getting from girls around the club since they wanted to approach Ethan.  “He’s only using me right now to keep them away” I folded my arms across my chest to pretend that I feel hurt being used, well a little hurt to be honest because I am attracted to him but I know that nothing will happen.  “Hey, I’ll buy you more drinks as compensation?” Ethan gave me a wink and pulled me away. He knows I can’t say no to free drinks. 
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