
3136 Words

Jeremy- The audacity of that ignorant fool to call Omegas ‘scums’.  It took all my will power not to grab that worthless piece of trash and rip his throat out.  At least his children had the sense not to listen to the ramblings of an old fool.  The thought that he was trying to instill his twisted beliefs on his kids made my stomach churn.  The look on Kent was the same look I had seen on Jessica’s face many times.  He would live out his whole life questioning whether or not he was worthless.  I’m glad the girl was his friend and didn’t feel like rank was anything to base association off of.  In many ways, the two reminded me of Jessica and I, although they claimed not to be a couple.  When Rose had placed her hand on my arm, she cleared my eyes from seeing red instantly.  It was the stra

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