Not my Future

2192 Words
Jeremy- “Come on son! Get up! Duck! Jab!” my father called out commands from the sideline. I was too concentrated on the fight to hear his words. I was growing tired and weak. We had been at it for hours it seemed. My opponent lunged forward, striking my jaw by surprise and I fell back onto the mat. “Ahh...” my father threw his hands up in frustration, “It’s like you’re not even listening to me.” My opponent stepped forward and held out his hand. I took it, and he hoisted me up. A big smile formed on his face, “Sorry Jer.” my best friend patted me hard on the back. “You’re getting better, Tyler.” I told him, feeling a bit sour about him putting me down. My father had shifted focus to the other side of the gym, where my brother was head to head with a guy twice his size. It seemed he was always eager to impress our father and try to overshadow me in the process. I didn’t mind one bit, I had no wish to become the Alpha of the pack. My dreams aspired far away from here. Some place where no one knew my name, and I didn’t have to live in constant worry about who would think this or that of me. They could all go to hell for all I cared. My brother landed a punch to his opponent’s abdomen, bringing him down momentarily giving my brother a chance to land an uppercut to his jaw. The giant fell back onto the mat and gasped for air when the coach entered the ring to stop the fight. My father clapped obnoxiously and ran to pat my brother’s back. “That’s my boy!” he yelled unashamedly as I rolled my eyes. They walked toward me as the medics attended to the giant still panting on the ground. “Did you see that Jeremy?” my father beamed, “That’s how you win a fight!” My brother’s cheeks grew hot as he tried to hold back a grin. I only smiled and congratulated my little brother, “I saw every move. That was amazing, little bro,” I said with brotherly love. “That was insane Eric! When are we gonna spar?” Tyler shouted from beside me. Eric only laughed as he looked down at his feet. My father bellowed a chuckle as he squeezed Eric’s shoulders against his chest, “You name the day, my son will put you on your back!” They walked outside, my father still hugging Eric to his chest as Tyler and I watched. Tyler nearly whispered into my ear to keep from being heard by my father’s superb hearing, “Sorry, man.” I scrunched my face at him, “Forget it.” We walked towards the showers when I heard a familiar voice call my name, “Jeremy!” I turned to see Jessica running towards me. Damn, she was beautiful. She was the most beautiful she-wolf I had ever seen and I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear when I saw her face. All the males at the collegiate absolutely drooled all over her and it made me laugh that they all wanted her, but she was mine. She jumped onto me, wrapping her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her thin waist cupping her soft ass with one of my hands. She kissed my lips tenderly and I playfully bit hers. “Hi beautiful,” I said to her once we parted. “How was training?” she asked as she bit her lip. “Just another day,” I replied. “I just wanted to see you before class started,” she said softly, her hands behind her back as she swayed her chest from side to side. She was so damn sexy. “Okay, Jess. I’ll see you in a little bit,” I replied to her, giving her a kiss goodbye. After collegiate, I hung out with Jessica at the lake. We made it our go-to spot after classes were over. I laid my head down on her thin thighs as she softly stroked my hair. Her brown hair swayed serenely in the wind and I felt my eyelids growing heavy. Apart from having the most beautiful smile, she had the most beautiful brown eyes. They were almost hazel as the sunlight entered her pupils. Her thick black lashes only made them pop. I loved laying on her thin thighs and kissing her caramel skin as I often did after a long day. “What are we gonna do when you become Alpha?” she asked as she twirled my hair around her finger. I opened my eyes and sat up quickly, “If I become Alpha?” I replied. She sensed my irritation and wrapped her arms around my neck kissing my ear, “I’m sorry baby. I just know you’ll be so good at it Jeremy..” she said trailing off softly. I turned around to face her, “You know I don’t want anything to do with leading the pack. I am not a leader. I cannot lead the pack.” I started. “Oh but you can! Jeremy, I know you can!” she interrupted me. I took her hands in mine, “I love that you believe in me so much Jessica, I really do. But..I don’t want this,” I finished. She sighed and rested her head on my chest. “I will be with you no matter what you decide to do.” she said into my chest as I squeezed her lightly. This was one of the many reasons I couldn’t wait to make her my mate. She cared and loved me for who I was not who I was supposed to be. I walked Jessica home and headed back before my mother worried. As I entered the house I heard a heated discussion between my parents. “He should be allowed to choose! Just like everyone else!” my mother’s voice was loud and stern. “You know our son. He doesn’t want anything to do with becoming Alpha! We have to make the decision for him!” my father yelled. “I think Black Blood would be the best choice for the pack. We’ve had several hiccups with the pack and this would put us at peace!” he continued his barrage. “William, he is your son, not a token piece. You cannot move him around a board a decide his future. Don’t you realize you are the reason he has become so distant?” she countered. He let out a loud scoff, “I don’t give a rat's ass if he decides to never speak to me again. I am trying to do what’s best for the pack. He has to marry from another pack,” he retorted. “Yes my Alpha, but he is supposed to choose for himself between the eligible maidens,” she said. I had been standing on the landing listening to them bicker about my future, when I had quite enough. I entered the room with my chest pumping, full of anger. “Oh darling, I didn’t mean for you to hear us.” my mother began, but I cut her off. “Hear you all planning my future? I’m not marrying some spoiled brat. I’ve chosen my mate and it’s Jessica.” I shouted. My father laughed sarcastically, “Jessica? She’s what? An Omega? Her scores are the lowest in her class! She hasn’t done anything in school! It’s like she’s passed by completely unnoticed! Please, son. You can do better. Just look through the files. There are so many accomplished she-wolfs to choose from. Just take your pick,” he said. “I love Jessica. I will not take another as my wife.” I yelled, practically crying, “And I will not be the Alpha of this pack!” I stomped up the stairs to my room. My brother had been standing in the doorway and looked at me sympathetically. I only ruffled his hair as I walked to my room slamming the door. My father yelled from downstairs to get the last word in, of course, “YOU WILL CHOOSE A WIFE, OR I WILL CHOOSE FOR YOU!” I took a cold shower to calm my rage. As I got into bed, I noticed my mother had left a pile of blue folders on my bed with a written note on the top one. Please look through these, son. You cannot run from your fate, so it’s better to choose the one you will have to spend the rest of your life with rather than having someone choose for you. I was chosen, but I didn’t get to choose… He looked through the files. There were three in all and his mother had placed a second note on another file. I like this one. I opened the file. There was a picture of pretty red haired she-wolf. Her green eyes seemed to pull me in. I pried his eyes away to read the file: Roselia Maria Blackstone…Only daughter to Alpha Daniel and Luna Rachel Blackstone of Blood Moon Pack…GPA 4.0…Ranked 1st in Basic Training, Hand Defense, Weapon Defense, Advanced Training, Chemistry, History, Mathematics… the list went on. I rolled my eyes, throwing the file aside as I brushed through the other two thinner files. Frustrated and exhausted I pinched the brim of my nose and lay down on the bed. None of those females was anything like my Jessica. They could be as accomplished as they wanted, but she was still the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. I had to show my father somehow that I was not fit to be Alpha. I didn’t want this and I was determined to do whatever I could to show him. The next morning was like any other. I woke up tired as last nights events still weighed heavy on my chest. I needed to clear my head and decided to go for a run before training. It was still dark out when I headed for the trail. I had been running for hours, trying to work things out in my mind. Trying to come up with some kind of plan to get out of taking over as Alpha. If only my brother could take my place… That might work, but I needed to figure out if it was what he wanted before I made any moves in that direction. I would never want to force something onto him the way my parents had been doing with me. I looked up towards the sun to see it was almost rising, shining light through the trees when something rammed into my chest and pulled me from my thoughts. I stopped dead in my tracks to see a small she-wolf on the ground. She had run right into me and looked just as sweaty as I was, no doubt getting her training in this morning as well. I couldn’t see her face due to her black cap covering everything, but her pink plump lips. I could tell she was scared as her chest pumped and her heart raced. “What are you doing here?” I said as softly as I could. Her eyes trailed up to mine as she mumbled, “I…uhh…I was running, and I got lost.” Her voice was almost a whisper. As I gazed into her eyes, I realized I had seen her before, but I wasn’t sure from where. “Where are you from?” I asked, hoping it would jog my memory. “B... Blood Moon.” she replied softly. Yes, that was it. It was her. The girl from the file. I nodded at my own recollection. She looked more uptight in person than in the awkward picture in the file. Her skin was porcelain and she was thick. Her big thighs made her black leggings bulge out. She wore a grey tank top and a sports bra that pushed her breasts up. Her shirt was soaked in sweat and I noticed drops of sweat glistening on her cleavage. Her fiery red hair was tamed behind her black baseball cap. Her face was slightly pink which I assumed was from how hard she had been running. I held my hand out offering to help her up. She slowly reached out and I grew impatient at her delicate pace and lunged forward, grasping her hand and hoisting her up. “Thank you. I will be on my way now.” she said gently and I nodded as she took a few steps in the wrong direction. She backtracked to me and without looking at her again, I pointed toward her pack. She nodded silently and I continued on back to the training grounds. I had finally reached the gym when I saw my brother alone, stretching. I decided to use this chance to see where he stood in the pack.
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